T/N: Song Yujin, born March 1, 1969. Origin, Korea. He states himself as a culture broadcaster and entertainer. He appears in some Japanese CS programs as a commentator for Korean pops and dramas, and he is also a writer for some Japanese women’s magazines. He has been continuously supporting Tohoshinki, please click here for one of his activities, the "300,000 videos to cheer up Tohoshinki" project.
Submitting a Petition from Tohoshinki fans!!!
Since there seems difficulties for the discussions between Tohoshinki and SM Entertainment…
I have planned the following project.
(few sentences omitted)
The fans would start to worry when individual activities should increase.
So I thought about writing to the government.
Please refer to the following.
I am awaiting everyone’s participation!
We will submit a petition from Tohoshinki fans.
I have a chance to meet a person related to the Korean government, and I plan to ask him for his help, so that Tohoshinki and SM Entertainment can hold direct discussions.
I thought about doing this on my own, but I wanted to convey all the fans feelings, too, so I decided to collect your comments.
I have planned this in order to support Tohoshinki so that they can do the activities that they really want to do.
I will inform you of the results later.
(few sentences omitted)
(few sentences omitted)
We will accept your comments in Korean and Japanese.
(few sentences omitted)
I will be asking for their aid in order to enable the deep discussion between Tohoshinki and SM Entertainment. I am not asking any further. Please write about Tohoshinki’s contribution for spreading the Korean culture to Japan, and that they are a necessity and indispensable to Japan as a Korean artist.
(few sentences omitted)
Please appeal Tohoshinki’s existence for the cultural point of view.
The person is fluent in Japanese. Please be reassured, your Japanese messages will reach their hearts. According to the reason written as above, this project is intended for people living in Japan.
T/N: Since this project is only for those who live in Japan, I had thought twice or three times before introducing this news to our English speaking friends. However, I wanted to inform you of all the supporting projects currently going on in Japan, so I made this article. (Please be kind and considerate towards Mr. Song, who is putting much efforts in order to support Tohoshinki. Also, no bashing of SM Entertainment please, I have not written this article to raise talks. Thank you.)
I hope that the petition project will be of a success, I will again make an article when the project proceeds.
Source: Song Yujin’s Private blog & “Keep our 5 stars TVXQ!” @ wiki
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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