This entry had sentences that made no sense whatsoever,
whether he was actually thinking while typing is questionable.. :ghi:
whether he was actually thinking while typing is questionable.. :ghi:
The sentence that has two words in gray truly made no sense in Korean,
at some point I decided that struggling in vain over his incomprehensible Korean wasn’t worth it,
so I asked for advice on a particular sentence from three different people, but the response was “argh was he drinking?”
at some point I decided that struggling in vain over his incomprehensible Korean wasn’t worth it,
so I asked for advice on a particular sentence from three different people, but the response was “argh was he drinking?”
………………..so please understand my pain! :mhm:
Written on 2010.01.02 at 23:00
..2009..the beginning was blissful..
..the feeling of starting over again..
..is a very happy one..so delightful..
..I felt that kind of happiness..
..I also learnt to feel with my heart..to wait and and how to endure..
..so much that everybody has matured..
..I’m Super Junior’s Leader..
..I suffered many hardships and I have always proved to be strong..
..now considering the various aspects..
..as a singer I have accomplished all..
..but I’m still eager..my heart is like that of a singer debuting yesterday..
..I always used to say it right?..And I will show you..2010..I’ll show you..
..because there is still so much that I haven’t been able to show yet..
..I’m sticking to Super Junior..no matter what they say..Super Junior..E.L.F..
..I’m feeling that they are the only truth in this world…
..Shall we start off slowly for once?…
..I believe it’s not the END but an AND..
..I love you and love you..
Original Source. 박정수 미니홈피
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
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