[Diary] KyuJong, ‘Merry Christmas~~!!!! Came here without fail..!
2009-12-24 10:22:40am
Merry Merry Chris Chris ma ma ma ma ssss!!!!!
Christmas which matches well with the cold winter~ is certainly here this year!
Hee ^^ I already ate the cake that fans gave me yesterday~~
Because I ate the cake, for some reasons it feels like Christmas!!
Our pretties, have a nice Christmas too~
Because the weather is very cold, dress up warmly when you go out!!
And~~ Even though it is good to spend Christmas outside~
It is also good to rest while watching a movie at home~~
Listen to nice music too~ ^^
I woke up early in the morning~ washed the clothes that were piled up ~
Leaving a morning message while listening to song~
Oh!! Everyone who left birthday messages to EunAh! Thank you very much~
Our EunAh loves it totally ^^ EunAh is still like a kid..
Do you know you have already graduated from University?!
Woah..T heehee
I am really sorry that I couldn’t watch over you during your University days..
Because you have graduated nicely~ I feel very good and grateful hee
Anyway Anyway!! Christmas!!
Spend it really nicely~
Would there be snow on Christmas..?!!!
If you hope that there will be snow on Christmas..
You knew what song you must listen to today right?!!!
Hee hee Everyone listen to that song while praying for snow to come on Christmas~~
Well, that person’s song is good~ isn’t it?!!
The voice melts melts melts~ ^^!!
Then, bye everyone~~ have a good Christmas eve! Annyoung Byebye..♡
Chinese translation
Credit: Kyu_辰辰@Tieba Baidu SS501
Meery Meery Chris Chris ma ma ma ma sssss !!!!!
今年也找来的 ,和寒冷的冬天最适合的 Chrismas!
ㅎ ^^ 我把昨天饭们给我的蛋糕给吃完了~~
吃完蛋糕以后 总觉得有圣诞节的氛围!!
我们漂亮的饭们 过了漂亮的圣诞节~
也听听歌~ ^^
边听着音乐 边留言中~
我们恩雅非常的高兴^^ 总觉得像小孩一样的恩雅。。。
都要大学毕业了 知道吗?!
帅气的毕业~ 所以心情也好,也很感谢 ㅎ
反正!!Meery Christmas
ㅎㅎ 大伙都听那首歌,祈祷圣诞节下雪吧~~
那个人唱歌很棒~ 对吧?!!!
化了化了化了~ ^^!!
再见~~ 过愉快的圣诞节!再见 拜拜。。.♡
Original Korean message:
다정한 규종군이 잊지 않고 공홈에 크리스마스 축하글을 남겨줬어요~~
[규종] 메리크리스마스~~ !!!! 어김없이 찾아왔군요..!2009-12-24 오전 10:22:40
메리메리 크리스 크리스 마 마 마 마 스스스스!!!!!
어김없이 올해도 찾아온~ 추운 겨울에 잘어울리는 크리스마스예요!
ㅎ ^^ 난 어제 팬분들이 주신 케이크 벌써 먹어버렸지용~~
케익먹으니까 왠지 크리스마스분위기좀 나는거같았어요!!
우리이쁜이들도 크리스마스 예쁘게 보내세요~
날씨가 많이 추우니까 밖에 나갈때는 따뜻하게!!
그리구~~ 크리스마스때는 나가는거도 좋지만~
집에서 영화한편보면서 쉬는거도 좋아요~~
좋은 음악도 듣구~ ^^
난 아침일찍일어나서~ 밀린빨래도 돌리구~
노래들으면서 모닝글 남기는중이랍니다~
참!! 은아생일 축하해주신 모든분들! 정말로 감사합니다~
우리은아가 완전 좋아해요^^ 은아도 마냥 애기같았는데..
벌써 대학교 졸업하는거 알아요?!
우와..ㅜ ㅎㅎ
대학생활을 옆에서 못지켜봐줘서 참 미안한데..
멋지게 졸업한다니까~ 너무 기분좋구 고맙더라구요 ㅎ
무튼무튼!! 크리스마스!!
정말로 잘보내시구요~
과연 크리스마스에 눈이 올까요..?!!!
크리스마스에 눈이오길 바란다면..
오늘 어떤노래 들어야하는줄알죠?!!!
ㅎㅎ 다들 그 노래 들으면서 크리스마스에 눈이 오길 빌어봅시다~~
참 그 사람 노래 잘하더라구요~ 그쵸?!!
목소리가 녹아녹아녹아~ ^^!!
그럼 다들 안녕히~~ 크리스마스 이브 잘보내구요! 안녕 빠빠이..♡
Credit: SS501.dspenter.com + (English translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com + SS501UFO.blogspot.com
Please repost with full credit.
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