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[News] DBSK/THSK/TVXQ Compilation Quotes


Xiah Junsu

I think it’s best when all 5 members of TVXQ work together.
- Xiah Junsu, Mnet What’s Up Star 2005

To you, what is TVXQ’s existence?
Always by my side, no matter what, they’re just like my brothers that will always be by my side.
- Xiah Junsu, Nikkan Sports Daily 2009


Micky Yoochun

We have always been together as 5. As the others are not with us right now, it’s embarrassing to say this, but I felt the love from them. Therefore, I do not wish to forget the most important thing to me, and this song was written based on this feeling.
- Micky Yoochun during Colors promotions (FRaU November Issue) 2009

Red…makes me think of the members who will continue having a very close relationship even in the future!
- Micky Yoochun during Hello Kitty Anniversary Campaign (Epop magazine issue 226) 2009

What does Tohoshinki mean to you: The other part of me.
- Micky Yoochun, VIVI Magazine November 2009

About Dong Bang Shin Ki?
- A thing which I treasure the most
-Micky Yoohun, Nikkan Daily SPorts 2009

“When Micky is showing that he’s tired because of his schedule, I want to become
a strong person who can shake off his needs during the time I can be only Park Yoochun.

Hero Jaejoong

I: If you are going to sing as a duo again, who do you want to sing with?
JJ: Well, I want to sing with no just the two of us, but for example, with four.
- Youngwoon Jaejoong, Bigeaststation 132 with Jaechun 2009

What does Tohoshinki mean to you: It’s where I belong.
- Youngwoon Jaejoong, VIVI Magazine November 2009

What is Tohoshinki to you?
- My family. We are not blood, but we spend more time together than our real family, and do anything together.
-Youngwoon Jaejoong, Nikkan Sports Daily 2009

Just by looking at Junsu, I get this feeling, that to be able to dance together as the 5 of us is not easy and really precious.
- Youngwoon Jaejoong during 2009, when Junsu got hurt and couldn’t dance to Arena 37° August Issue

“Well this is nothing, can’t we just finish it off without any thoughts?
DBSK & Cassiopeia can just overturn everything. Can’t we, yes?”

“Hey members!! Our Uknow, Our Micky, Our Xiah, Our Choi Kang! I love you guys so much^^
By the way, why can’t we still fly???
Let’s really fly this time!! To be honest, I’m actually afraid of flying.
That we will be far away from our Cassiopeia… Well we can still get through this right?
Since our hearts are together.”

“I still believe that this is just the beginning. Even though there are times when I feel exhausted or want to give up..”

“Lastly DBSK fans! Cassiopeia! Let’s do well, trust each other!
For 10 years 20 years let’s trust each other and live on! Even after 20 years,
come with your pretty baby to cheer us on.

When do you feel lonely?
JJ: When I’m separated from my members

-Youngwoon Jaejoong, various


Choikang Changmin

I want to continue (TVXQ) with everybody forever.
- Choikang Changmin, History in Japan Vol.2 2007

The manager said, “When the other members’ opinion are disjointed,
Changmin is the one who unites all the pieces.”

- we get along together, when there’s trouble, we’ll like to do brothers talk to each other.
-Choikang Changmin, Nikkan Sports Daily 2009

“More than anything, our members.. To describe one after another, you can talk to any qualified use of the world without waste; Whatever five of us ‘DBSK’ does, we can get through it without any fear.”

“There was something that I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, I really really love you guys…..”

CM: I think it is because of the love I’ve received from the staffs, fans and members that I am able to open up more.
- Choikang Changmin, Tomorrow 000777 days photobook


U-know Yunho

(Interviewer asks Yunho where he wants to go, he answers ‘uninhabited island)
I: Oh, I see. So are you going to the island alone?
YH: NO! We five will go together, then we can realize that what one couldn’t do alone could be achieved by all five members. I feel that we can get power to overcome big hurdles.
- U-know Yunho, Bigeast Magazine Vol.14 2009

I: What do you think will happen when you’re 25 years old?
YH: Er, that would be after 2 years. I guess by that time, TVXQ and I would have traveled around the world!
- U-know Yunho, HuNanTV “Happy Bar Magazine” 2009

Epop: How about DBSK members then?
Yunho: Meeting the other members is the biggest and the most important event in my life. We are not only working teammates, we are a big family ^ ^. The five of us work very hard to show our fans our BEST performance. We shared our tears and laughter together.
- U-know Yunho, E-pop Magazine No.237

- My friends and family. The most important treasures.
-U-know Yunho, Nikkan Sports Daily 2009

The five of us working together could be consider as fate.
Five different people feeling as one, happiness multiplied by five, sorrow is just 1/5.
This is called happiness. To me, TVXQ is just like a family, a home. No matter how far we’re separated, we’ll come back together one day. TVXQ is just such an important place for us.
- U-know Yunho, Fujin kouron magazine 2009

“My other selves…Young Woong…Micky…Xiah…Choi Kang…I’m always happy because of you guys.
I love you…Let’s go forward together forever!!! Now, is everyone Ready?? Done?
Now should we show them? Let’s go towards the world!!! Let’s Go!!!”

“All five members have to be together to represent the name of ‘DBSK’.
We are family, The same team, The ones who support us is Cassiopeia, Thank you.”
- U-know Yunho, various



Q. Then, what about moments of happiness during work?
YH: When a Live just begins, the moment where we just step on stage,
and the faces of the audience enter my vision, I feel really happy then.

YC: When singing “Somebody To Love”, and after the performance when we throw our towels at the staff
and think in our hearts “It’s over~”, I’m really happy at that moment.

JS: I feel happy when I shower after a Live is over.

JJ: When the 5 of us are standing together on stage, I feel really happy.
When Junsu got hurt, and only 4 of us stood on the stage, I couldn’t feel happy at all. So,
after Junsu got better, and the 5 of us could stand on stage and dance together, I felt extremely happy.

CM: At the very end of a Live, when we, together with the band and our dancers, b
id farewell to everyone; the moment when we all raise our heads, there’s no happiness comparable to that.
-Arena 37°C August 2009

–Lastly, please tell us about Tohoshinki’s “dream” from here onwards, or your “aims”.

Junsu: I want all the 5 members to not get injured, to keep healthy and continue working hard!
Yuchun: In 3 years, I want to purchase a cruiser, named [The Tohoshinki], and have a BBQ with everyone on board.
-> Nissen Cafe Special Interview 2009

Q. If you were an interviewer for a music magazine, what would you ask yourselves, DBSK?
Junsu: (Suddenly) Why is it that you guys are living together?! [He's super hyper here.]
Changmin: (Imitates Junsu) Why is it that you guys are living together?! What happened?! (Laughs)
Junsu: (Continues) Anyways, why are the five of you living together? I want to ask this.
There is also a reply. ‘Because it is fun!’ Euhahahahahang.
Yunho: Ah…he asked a question and also gave a reply by himself….
Yunho: For me, I want to ask ‘DBSK is moving to go towards world’s Asia,
but until how long and where are you guys thinking of going?’.
Jajeoong: That’s easy….Forever.
Yoochun: Forever!
Junsu: That will be until Yoochun becomes bald. (Laughs)
Changmin: Then that time can come very fast actually. (Laughs)
Yoochun: No! It will be…..Forever. (Laughs).

Yunho’s answer to his own question?
Yunho: For me, ‘Until I die’ will be my reply.
- Arena 31C February

What will you be doing 10 years from now?
YH: Continue making music
CM: Continue making music and preparing for my wedding
JJ: Together with THSK
YC: The same thing as I’m doing now
JS: Singing on stage
- What’s In Feb 2009

credit: dbsg@livejournal + soompi + juhli@soompi
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