There you have it! Solid proof of B2ST/Beast's new name and it's meaning! Although either spelling of their name is correct (they designed the font of their name so that the an "e" and "a" fused together would make a 2 like character, as explained by maknae DongWoon in episode 8 of their documentary)
The ancronym for their name is now "Boys of the EAst Standing Tall" instead of "Boys 2 Search for Top". Many B2ST fans were skeptical and against the name change at first but many are atarting to accept it and some said that it would be better if they can keep both the ancronym.
In my opinion I like the new ancronym more as I feel that there is more meaning to it. Do drop your comment here and let us know what you think about this.
Source:B2ST Official Site,D2ST rising international forum
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