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Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

[Interview] Super Junior ''Please wait for our new album''

Super junior interview with ‘SeeSanBunTerngSod’s Thailand Channel 3’

△ All: สวัสดีครับ! (Hello!) We’re Super Junior !

- Interviewer: Can say that your Thai language was so good and your greeting tradition was so better than old. Besides normally greeting such as ‘Hello’ or ‘Thank you’ can you guys said another sentence?

△ Leeteuk: ผมเซ็กซี่ไหม? (Am I sexy?) ดีมาก (Very good)

- Interviewer: Oh, ดีมาก so you guys often go to Thailand. Do you have any impression?

△ Leeteuk: Yeah, we’re very impress and wanted to go to Pattaya* very much because Pattaya was first place that we performed our concert and was the first place that we performed the concert on Thailand**. We talked each other that if the time that we can’t sing and dance come. Last our concert will be organize at Pattaya.

- Interviewer: If they talk about Thailand, they will consider Thailand first. Now Thai fanclub has been waiting for the 4th album a long time. Is the releasing 4th album time close?

△Leeteuk: We’re preparing for the 4th album and we dedicate on it very much. I need the fanclub please wait for awhile and you will meet with 4th album soon.

- Interviewer: Ah, finally it’s last time. Do you guys want to say with Thai fanclub which is following and waiting for the 4th album? I want to everyone say it, sir.

△ Donghae: Thai fanclub, please wait for awhile. 4th album is releasing soon and it’s more special than period albums, thank you.

△ Sungmin: Don’t forget to follow our album, thank you.

△ Kyuhyun: Thanks Thai fanclub who follow Super Junior and don’t forget to follow our next album too, thank you.

△ Yesung: We’ll come back with our 4th album, please wait for awhile.

△ Ryeowook: Please wait for a moment, we’ll come back with our new album and please follow both of CF, Drama and concert too.

△Shindong: I’m sure that Thai fanclub must be pleasurable for our 4th album. Please wait for a moment.

- Interviewer: Thank you.

* Pattaya is not province but it's special self-governing province like Bangkok which don't count these, Thailand will have 74 province.
** These sentences are not same, please read well.
*** I translate from Thai subtitle which show on the bottom.

△ Try to say Thai language.
Shindong : อย่าเลียนแบบนะครับ (Don’t copy.)
Eunhyuk : ขี่ฟีโน่รถไม่ติด (Ride Fino, won’t be jam.)
Siwon : มองไฟหน้าชั้น My Fino (Look at my headlights, My fino)
Donghae : ฟีโน่มาหานะเธอ (Fino come to you, dear.)
Leeteuk : ฟีโน่เจิดมาก ฟีโน่ของผมเป็นฟิตเนสเคลื่อนที่ (Fino is so cool. My Fino is moving fitness.)
Eunhyuk : ดีมาก (Very good.)

△ If you don’t go to Thailand for filming the advertisement, what will you do?
Leetuek : Maybe live in Korea, sit and think that “When will we have the chance to go to Thailand for filming again?

Eunhyuk : I’m sadly in Korea too.
Shindong : I will go to Thailand with myself.
Donghae : If I wouldn’t have filiming on 2010’s new year. 2010 is the year that very sad for me.
Shindong : อย่าเลียนแบบนะครับ (Don’t copy) (Say as Thai language)
Siwon : No way. However I will must filming the advertisement.

△ Say deposit your work with Thai E.L.F. .
Leeteuk : My name is Fino, My father is Yamaha
Donghae: I wish everyone will have more love with Fino in new year. My gift that I want is ride the Fino with E.L.F to go to everywhere in Thailand.
Siwon : Being the Fino’s presenter because of E.L.F. Because they give us the loving. So I will do the well work forever. I wish you everyone have a happiness and good healthy.
Eunhyuk : I want to have been with Fino forever.
Shindong : มีความสุขไหมครับ พวกเราก็มีความสุขครับ (Are you happy, we are happy!) (Say as Thai language)

Credit: here
Thai to English translated by sonethloveshizz at
Please take out with full credit and permission.

[Interview] Junsu accepts interview with Sohu!

Sohu: As your first Solo, musical Mozart was very successful, through the process, have you learned anything or have any feelings?

Junsu: Thank you. This is my first challenge in musicals, it was entirely different, I was very nervous and very worried. Thank goodness I got to work with a lot of experienced actors, so we successfully completed it, I am very happy.

Sohu: Right now is spring, and Junsu easily gets allergic to pollen, how are you feeling now days?

Junsu: Recently allergy reactions have appeared, so to everyday I drink a lot of water, and would wear a mask.

Sohu: Remember in a Japanese interview, Junsu said you liked Coconut trees, is it because coconut trees doesn’t have any pollen?

Junsu: Ah, after you put it this way, coconut trees does have this advantage!

Sohu: Really, coconut tries gives people a warm felling, is it because you like this feeling?

Junsu: Really the reason why I like coconut trees is because in Korea, except for Jeju, its hard to see coconut trees. If I go abroad and sees coconut trees I would think “right now I’m really abroad”, that feeling is very strong! Compared to city scenery, I like oceans, and warm sunshine, so when I see coconut trees, I would feel very comfortable. And I think out of all types of trees, coconut trees are the prettiest (laughs).

Sohu: Because there haven’t been a lot of announced activities, and we realize your current situations caused a lot of restrictions, Chinese fans wish to know what you have been doing recently.

Junsu: I will release a solo single in Japan, right now most of the basic preparations have been completed, we are at the end of production. Recently, I put all of my heart into preparing this new single.

Sohu: What kind of expectations do you you have with your solo single? Like getting first place on Oricon charts?

Junsu: There may be that possibility, but right now in Japan there are a lot of talented singers and the competition is tough, so I wont let “getting first place on Oricon charts” be my goal, I just want to show of my talent, my style, and my music. When everyone listens to the single, they would feel “Oh, its very Xiah (Junsu)’s style!”, then I would be very satisfied.

Sohu: Returning the topic to your brother, this time for composing Junho’s single, you are a talented composer yourself, did you join? Do you have any wishes or hopes for Junho’s activities in China?

Junsu: During the recording process, and after, my brother would ask for my advice, even after recording, he would let me listen first, when he practice dancing, I would go watch him a lot. I think my brother (as singer) performed very well, and he is very serious about his work, I really hope he will prosper in the future, I will continue supporting him.

Sohu:Since you are experienced in the music field, do you have anything to say to your brother who is a newcomer?

Junsu: Ah, actually I (as a singer) am still developing, there are still many flaws… But as a more experienced singer, I want to say, he must have the self confidence and think “standing on this stage, I am be best.” With this kind of confidence, everyone can see when your perform, I think this is one aspect a celebrity can’t not miss. When I saw my brother perform, his dance songs were very good, I am very proud of him.

Sohu: Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin all have experiences in acting in dramas, have you ever thought of acting?

Junsu: Even though I haven’t acted in a drama, but through musical, I have been challenged in acting. Of course the musical involved both acting and singing skills, so I had a very fitting role. To act in a drama, I would love the challenge, but I would need to gain more experience in acting. And comparatively, my goals right now are more music oriented, and I want to prosper in that aspect. I have more talent in the music aspect that I haven’t showed everyone, and I hope everyone will see more development from me in the music area. So regarding acting, I will wait. However, if there’s a fitting opportunity, I will welcome the challenge.

Sina: Then have you ever thought about acting as the main actor?

Junsu: Main actor or supporting actor, as long as it suits me then its fine.

Sohu: Regarding your acting career, have you thought about pursing it?

Junsu: Just like I said earlier, first thing is put in all my effort for the Japanese solo single activities. Then in may, I hope to watch the World Cup…… (smiles)

Sohu: Have you thought about switching your activities abroad? Maybe like Junho, having your showcase in China?

Junsu: Until now, our activities have been mostly in Korea and Japan, so our opportunities of coming to China have been small, regarding this, everyone is sad. If there is a chance in the future, when we can stay in China and not leave (smiles), of course we will use music to repay our Chinese fans. Also, I believe there will be that day.

Sohu: Lastly through our video, say something to your Chinese fans!

JUnsu: Today through my brother’s showcase, I got to be untied with everyone. First of all, I feel very sorry to everyone, truthfully I missed all of you, please wait a little longer. I honestly hope everyone will be happy and healthy. Also, I hope to be in front of everyone again, sing for you all, not (like today) sing just one song. Please wait with me for the arrival of that day, and thank you all for your love to me.

Junsu’s interview video will be broadcast soon, hope fans can wait patiently.
source: sohu
shared by: + dbsknights

[Interview]NOCUT Interview with Kara!

KARA is the trend nowadays.

After changing to a black concept, KARA swept all the charts with their new track 'Lupin', gathering a huge amount of popularity. But as much as they are popular, they are busy. The KARA members clearly looked tired when we met them.

Member Han Seungyeon said: "We really are very busy. This was our 6th album release and seems we get more busy with every new album release", "But being busy is better than worrying for having nothing to do. Our body might be tired but our mind is at peace", she said with a smile on her face.

After Goo Hara and Kang Jiyoung joined the group, KARA started with 'Rock U' and since then, they've been maturing little by little. They looked like young girls, but with 'Lupin', they are showing the image of strong and mature ladies.

Han Seungyeon said: "We wanted to show us maturing little by little and that seems to be happening according to our plans", "Since our previous album, we've made many bold attempts to it and we're thankful that it was well accepted by our fans".

Nicole commented: "I feel happy hearing people say that, unexpectedly, we suit this image well".

Park Gyuri said: "Through this album, we were able to show the strong side of KARA. We were worried thinking what we would do if people expressed disapproval, but on the contrary, we are glad that everyone liked it a lot".

But it's true that the concept is a little uncomfortable to youngest member Kang Jiyoung, a high school student. She said: "Before Lupin, all I had to do was smile brightly on stage, but now, I try to control my expression. Truth is, I don't really know how to do that.", "I'm just doing what I was told to do", and she laughed.

KARA is always changing so we were curious on what image we could expect next. They said: "There are still many images that we want to show".

Currently, fans are able to meet the KARA members in a wide range of variety shows. Park Gyuri, who gives the audience a lot of laughs and enjoyment with her 'goddess' concept, said: "We're able to show many sides of KARA that we can't show in performances, so we enjoy doing variety shows".

Although they make many appearances in variety programs, KARA doesn't do solo activities like other groups and none of the members transitioned to the acting field. Han Seungyeon said: "For now, KARA activities are in first place. We still prefer doing activities together". Park Gyuri added: "Doing solo activities or transitioning to acting are things we regard with caution", "I think there will be a right time for that".

Instead of solo activities, they want to fill this year with KARA activities. They already have plans for Japan and overseas activities and they also plan to meet the fans with even better songs.

Park Gyuri said: "I want to learn music composition, learn to play an instrument and learn japanese, but I can't find time for that". Kang Jiyoung and Han Seungyeon said they want to travel, but they too are uncertain on when they will be able to fulfill that.

KARA concluded: "For every album we release, the response comes faster", "We'll regard that as fans cheering us to work harder. We'll show everyone a better image to repay all the encouragement we get".

Translated by

[News] 2PM Chansung Interview In Junior Magazine

Actor_Back then I was in secondary school when I watched movies or dramas, I’d think “Wow, it must be fun”. Then my chance had come and my acting career had started. I entered this company when I was in 1st yr in high school. After passing some trainings, I got a chance to play in the sitcom called “Unstoppable High Kick”. Well my character was pretty overacting; it was hard to catch it. But the feedback was good so I enjoyed it.

Badly_ Something bad? Well, I don’t know. Too many bad things I have (laughs). I’m a shy person. It takes a long time for me to be close to someone and to open my heart. Although I have close friends, none of them can understand me completely. Recently when I meet someone, I tend to speak and laugh loudly. Don’t you think it will be awkward to just be silent?. I try to talk more and we’ll naturally get closer.

Color_For actors, it’s better not to have any colors in particular. Each role has its own color for the character. If you want to manifest completely that color, you must be achromatic color. I want to try the roles which are opposite; a really good person and an evil one. The movie “Public Enemy” included curses and swears , this is the first time! Since I was really hooked to it, I unknowingly became like that (laughs). I’d like to try Lee Sung Jae senior’s role in “Public Enemy” and Hwang Jung Min senior’s one in “You’re my destiny”.

Dream_To be a singer and an actor. I want to be like Jamie Fox in “Ray”. Jamie Fox is very well-known in both singing and acting. When I watched the movie, I swore to God to have to become just like him. Actually, I participated in the audition because I wanted to be an actor. At the company since I received both acting and singing trainings so I finally fell for the charm of singing. That’s why I’m preparing to make a debut as a singer. Please wait.

Engrossing_My MP3. I really love listening to music. Drama scripts and books. I still have “Unstoppable High Kick” scripts with me and practice with it sometimes. Lately before I go to bed, I’ll read some books for about 1-2 hours.

Favorite & Fear_Favorite…eating!!! I eat quite a lot (laughs). Right now I’m on diet but when the sun goes down, I want to eat instant noodles and pork’s feet (legs, I guess?). Then what I fear the most must be President Park Jin Young (laughs). We’ll have a practice together when he comes to Korea. If I receive a notification of practicing with the president, my pressure is…(laughs) but sincerely he’s also the person I respect the most. If you look at him you’ll know why he’s called professional. There are many things to learn from him.

Gain_It seems like I’ve gaining a lot after becoming an artist. I have fans and people know my name. But then I realize that there’re plenty of things I have to protect as much as I receive and the number of people who are trying to judge me so I have to be more careful.

Habit_Well it’s the thing that happens when I’m not aware of. Nothing comes to my senses when I try to speak of it.

Important_To be able to have trainings with members is important and reading books! Reading is good. I’m in middle of reading a book called “the story of marshmallow”. I think reading books will help me improve my acting. Hmm my recommendation is “the story of bad dumplings”… it’s about a person who lives, very emotional. Please try it once!

Jobs_I think being an artist is a job that can convey one life, whether it is singing or acting; singing will show you feelings while acting will show you lives.

Kill time_Well since textbooks are my enemies (laughs) then when I’m bored, I’ll listen to music.

Laugh_Every time I’m with members (hot blood), we’ll have a good laugh. If I’m to talk about it that’d be…one of the members has a sleeping habit which is snoring like the devil and another one gnashes teeth so loudly. I can’t sleep and keep toss and turn for a long time. When I think “ah it’s over now” then I hear another gnashing-teeth sound from the guy below (making grating sound). To protect their privacy, I’ll give you only their initials; Mr.L is Mr. snoring and Mr.J is Mr. gnashing-teeth. (laughs)

Messege_I’d like to say something to members. Due to the filming, I’m terribly sorry that I can’t practice together with you guys. Since you have done many skills trainings so I’ll try to catch you up. To my fans, I’ll work hard to the point of your expectations.

Necessary_Isn’t it love?(laughs). Love is really the most important thing. It’ll make a good help in acting because it’ll dissolve entirely all those sensibilities. Ah..I want to go on a date (laughs)

Old_Hwang Jung Min senior’s style is my type. I’ll be a good actor like him and I want to sing as good as Jamie Fox. Don’t you think that I’ll become a singer and actor who’s an all-around entertainer when I’m 30 yrs?

Parents_The moment I told my parents that I’d be an artist, they were so worried. But I show them no tiredness so they seem to worry less and said that if that is your desire, you have to make it come true. Thank you for those words.

Quit_I praticed real hard but my singing didn’t get any better. It drove me crazy that I couldn’t so I thought “Will I never be able to do this thing?”. I seriously kept worrying about it until I started acting in “The Unstoppable High Kick”. I had confidence that I was able to do it well. It’s my pride and also gave me strength.

Respect_The president Park Jin Young. He’s really a respectful person…just be less scary please (laughs)

Secret_Secret? Not that I’m trying to hide but I don’t think I have any secrets.

Thank_I’d like to say something to my parents. Although it takes me about 30 minutes from the dorm to my house, I keep thinking whether I’ll go or not every month. If I go home often then there’ll be a lot of talking and I have to stay overnight. I feel ill at ease so after I see their faces, I go back to the company. I’m really sorry.

Usual_ An ordinary 19-yr-old Hwang Chansung? If I wasn’t an artist…perhaps I’d still be a trainee.

Vacation_I need some sleep. Dancing weakens my body. I have lessons for three hours then practice again. My powers will all be eaten up so sleeping is indeed needed.

Wake_Soon after I get up, I’ll have some cereal, take a shower and practice.

Xeric_The way to refresh myself from dull life/routines? Eat something different from usual. For a change, I’ll go outside and have some delicious meals and watch a midnight movie. I sometimes do this. So I can get rid of stress and freshen up.

Zeal_We’re crazily into games when we’re at dorm these days. I love stimulation games the most and it’s so good that I can play it with members. Because we’re together, though we just sit silently, I’m very happy.


Kor-Thai translation by Muize

Shared by:sukira@dailykpopnews

[Interview] BEAST "I thought being good at singing and dancing was enough"!

Six months since debuting, BEAST, currently reaching for the top with their title song, ‘Shock’, from their 2nd mini album, showed expressions of confidence compared to their faces from debut. BEAST’s leader Yoon Doojoon was unable to join today’s interview due to his trip to Laos with MBC ‘Sunday Night – Dambi’. “I’m vice leader,” said Yong Junhyung with an apologetic expression.

For a stronger BEAST… danced as if to break our bodies

‘Shock’ was a song that showed BEAST’s good qualities. Yoseob said laughing, “Because my image was a cute image and I didn’t work out as much as the other members, it was difficult.” Yong Junhyung said, “I cut my hair short and got a tattoo.” He showed his tattoo which meant to him ‘Carpe diem’ ‘Live each day as if it’s the last’ ‘If I’m born again, I want to be born as my mother’s son’. His mother chose the tattoo. Jang Hyunseung came up with his own hairstyle and makeup concept.

While preparing for their 2nd mini album the hardest part was perfecting the powerful dance. Even BEAST members, who were confident in their dancing, were ‘fatigued’ while tackling the new choreography. It was a hard time especially for Yong Junhyung who was featuring in performances of Hyuna’s solo song “Change”.

Yong Junyung confessed, “While practicing, I twisted my leg muscles and had to go to the hospital. I didn’t even have time to fully recover because I had to perform ‘Change’.” The members commented on the choreography, “The power of even the basic moves is a different level. You have to dance as if you’re breaking your body.” Magnae Son Dongwoon added, “I ripped and ruined several pants while dancing.”

Singing the song perfectly live with this powerful choreography was a great assignment for the members. Yang Yoseob lauged, “I started eating Yonggaksan.”

“I thought that being good at singing and dancing was enough”

Six months have passed since BEAST’s debut in October after the long tunnel of their trainee period. Yoon Doojoon through ‘Sunday Night’ and other variety programs, Lee Kikwang through recently ended ‘High Kick Through the Roof’ both showed different sides of them. The other members are slowly beginning to show their hidden talents as well.

Yang Yoseob confessed, “Honestly, I was a bit sad when only Doojoon or Kikwang got attention. But then I realized because of them, people recognized BEAST more. Then I realized my jealousy was immature.”

Yong Junhyung said, “I thought you could just enjoy it and have fun, but that wasn’t it. It’s also not just doing the part given to you. I learned if there’s even a slight difference in the members’ thoughts, we don’t see the big picture and it never happens.”

In Lee Kikwang’s case, “Keeping up was my challenge. No matter how late filming for ‘High Kick Through the Roof’ ended, I didn’t want to become luggage to the other members. I didn’t want to be a burden to BEAST.”

Jang Hyunseung said, “Before debut I wanted to be acknowledged for my dancing and singing. Even if I was at the bottom of music charts, I wanted to do what I liked. But once I debuted I realized evaluation from the public, love from fans were things I also wanted. This album woke me up from my illusion.”

It’s said that idol singers can just be made. But not anyone can become a star. There’s anticipation for the outcome of BEAST, who are in between being stars or just idol singers.

[MKnews Star Today Lee Hyunwoo reporter ]

CREDITS: MK NEWS (SOURCE); birdsareweird@B2ST Rising (TRANS)

[Interview] G-Dragon ''I am most afraid of loneliness, I cannot survive alone''

With the release of their new single [Koe wo Kikasete], theme song for J-drama [Ohitorisama], BIGBANG who once again returned to Japan and topped at #4 on the Oricon charts are preparing for their concert in Nippon Budōkan!

Q : Long time no see, what is everyone doing recently?
G-Dragon : After releasing the album [BIGBANG], I returned to Korea and released my solo album. The others are also busy with their own activities.
SOL (Taeyang) : Yeah! Everyone is busy with their own work but because I like pets very much, I often find time to go to the pet shops.

Q : After D-LITE came back, are there any changes?
T.O.P : While D-LITE was away, everyone’s mood was very low. Now that we are working together again, everyone’s energy is back.

Q : The schedules now are getting packed, if there is a whole day off, what would you like to do?
D-LITE (Daesung) : Would like to go sightseeing, eat nice food.

Q : If everyone is not a member of Big Bang, what kind of job would you do?
SOL : Should be leading a normal life! But since everyone loves music, while studying at the same time will still carry on with music activities. So even if we are not singers, we will still be doing work related to music.
Q : The next working plan?
SOL : I will be releasing my second solo single and preparing some new performances.
T.O.P : Preparing to shoot a Korean drama and movie.
D-LITE : After the New Year, I will be preparing my new solo sing
Q : Are there any thoughts of getting married early?
G-Dragon : From before I already have the dream of getting married early. (laughs)
D-LITE : I didn’t have this thought before but after attending several weddings and seeing the happiness of the newly weds, it made me want to get married soon.

Q : Among the members, who is the most willful?
T.O.P : I am the kind that take everything to heart, does this consider as willful?
V.I (Seungri) : The other time when we went for a meal together, the others wanted to eat ramen, only him wanted to eat sushi.
T.O.P : I really wanted to eat sushi that day! Because it was the fourth day we were in Japan, cannot tolerate anymore. In the end, I went to eat sushi alone. (laughs)

Q : Who can survive alone on an uninhabited island?
G-Dragon : I definitely cannot, I am most afraid of loneliness, I cannot survive alone.
D-LITE : Because there is no sushi on the uninhabited island.
The entire audience laughs.

scanned and translated: Miseremei @ multiply
pic shared by: ncly @ bbvip

[Interview] D-NA Interview with Star Today!

The newest 5 member idol group "Daeguknama" has come in to the celebrity world with a ticket of victory. The average age of 17.4 they have become to be a new idol group in Korea. The youngest member, Jay, has the same age as the U-kiss' member Dongho.

"It might be that they look at us with a cute concept because we are young. And we're also acting as the age we have because we think it is better than acting as we're older than now. We also think that our charms may be being pure and fresh. (Daeguknama)"

The name of the group "Daeguknama" is also "The Boss", that stands for "The Boys of Super Space". If we take a more meanful explication for the name, it means that they've the best influence on being the best artist.

The past 3rd they made their firts showcase on the Yoondang Art Hall, making their first and unique debut on three music programs making them a successful performances.

"At first, we were very nervous and we knew what kind of mistakes we were going to make, now we think that we've got self-confidence and we feel comfortable with all. The thing people say to us after watching us on stage was that our personalities changed a lot up there."

Hyunmin said "My mind was refreshed. There were a lot of school friends and members of my family supporting me, and i think that was the only one recompense i was waiting after debuting" when showing his real feelings full of emotion.

Jay also said "When i saw the stage on the TV i thought that it was going to big!, but when i was standing there it wasn't as it seems to be" making it an episode of laughs.

Daeguknama recieved an attack from their antifans after the showcase. Leader Mika said "We said that we admire DongBangShinKi and we want to be like them, and after we said it there were a lot of reports, news and rumors about it on the internet, that's why we get a lot of messages of mad fans. Of course we have interest on being like them, but it doesn't mean that we're going to compare us with DBSK" as a random topic when doing the interview.

Even after debuting, their homepage had more than 40,000 registration of their fans. And they noticed that there were also a lot of foreigner fans. Many of the existing idol groups go for the performance or the choreography, but these boys concentrate on the harmony and the vocals. That doesn't mean that they don't pay attention to their choreographies, though.

Mika said "The voice of every member has personality and they are also unic. We are a Harmonist Band. What I mean with 'Harmonist' is that everyone of us has its only one and celestial harmony" showing the confidence that they have.

Injoon agreed "We're a group that intends dance, but I think that we're a little bit more concentrated on the vocalism and singing" and continued with "The point of a singer is his way to sing, we want to be a group that would sing live without any problems to deal with."

"In one word, we want to be a group that can sing and dance without problems on the stage" added Hyunmin explaning their goal.

All the members have a strong karma, earlier talents and that's what caught the attention of a lot of people. Mika and Hyunmin won the Seoul's Creation Music Festival's Gold Prize in 2007. Injoon and Karam have become famous because they have been attending lots of competitions. Jay was introduced to the citizens since he went in to the SBS's Star King. He was introduced then as the Poppin Prodigy, and occupied the 'The End of the Year's Prince to Prince'.

Their debut track is "Admiring Boy" and it shows all the charms and the strong vocals of these boys. The lyrics go by a boy that admires a girl that makes the voice of every member go sweetly with all the song. Saying it again, all of them have very special vocals, too receptive steps that make the melody become to be like some kind of pleased rhythm making a very nice mix.

"We have a desire to come with a very strong image, but now we think that this shine concept goes perfect with us. These days there are a lot of good and very nice songs so it will be a differentiation with us and other groups. And also, we're thinking about that our next album will come with a 180 degrees of changes."

There are 3 members that lived together even before they debuted, and they are the 3 members that are not from Seoul. Mika and Karam are from Daegu, and Hyunmin is from Pohang. There's no idol group that doesn't have at least one member from another province in the country.

"We're a pure-coming Korean Group" said them adding "That's why when we go to a restaurant we eat only korean food" at some nonsense talk second.

"I lived in other province so there are a lot of topics to talk about" did Hyunmin said, and also "I think i'll have a lot of funny stories to tell if i have the opportunity to go to Kang Shim Jang (Variety Program)."

They clean and wash their clothes themeselves, and they also solve the problems with the food. They also study foreign languages. If there's any opportunity to go to another country they want to be prepared. Their company told them study Chinese and Japanese, but not too fast, giving them their own time to do it. But after all, all of them just want to be 1st in Korea before any other country.

"We want to be watched as the korean dongsaeng group. And we also dream about winning this year's Newcomer Group."

source: Star Today | reposted on. Official Fancafe by 꿀딴지
trans: kr-en - ms. ela@eDNA, edited by Jaybee @ eDNA

[Interview] Siwon- Exclusive interview in High Cut

Magazine SiWon ‘So Cool’ Interview English Translation

Super Star Special
At 23 years old, still being able to gather the novel feeling of an idol and the perfect sincerity of an actor in a body is not an easy task.
Attractive chin line, fresh and cool smile, he’s one charismatic cool man.
With a strong desire to succeed and burning passion, he’s one charismatic handsome and hot man.

Following on would be the ‘So Cool’ interview of Choi Siwon, main actor of TV drama , a show which is about to air in the spring season.
Choi Siwon, well liked because of his coolness, well loved because of his passion.
Cool man, Choi Siwon, does everything earnestly, but wouldn’t pester for result.

is the latest work, 3 years after 2007 . In , a TV drama airing on every Monday and Tuesday on SBS, Choi Siwon is acting as a ‘prickly top idol’, Sung Min Woo, and Chae Rim acting as a ‘middle-aged manager’, in the end, hitting off perfectly. All these years, Siwon is active in the music industry as a member of Super Junior, but is unable to hold back his passion for acting. Through more understanding, Choi Siwon is already an actor before joining Super Junior.
Previously, works like <18 vs. 29>, and wasn’t eye-catching enough thus not catching the attention of the audiences. So he just said that he did not have any prior acting experiences. 

“Not many know about my works from before, but this is something good as I will be able to present to everyone a better image.”

In truth, Siwon is a very rare, humble artiste. Those who understand him would together praise him for his gentleman poise.

Reporter: Being known as a man of honour, you are acting as a ‘critical and arrogant’ top idol who is in love with the ‘middle-aged manager’. And, at the same time, you are the main actor, so are you feeling the pressure? 

“This character is rather different from myself, so it makes me want to challenge. Upright characters are good, but I hate doing the same thing again and again. To say the truth, I don’t feel the burden. If I didn’t do a good job, the most I get is scolding. People tend to forget after a while anyway. 

Reporter: So you are pretty confident!
Choi Siwon waves his hand and denied immediately.

“If I am to be entangled with the determination to do well, it would become really tough for me due to the pressure. Because of this, I just want to do everything earnestly and not to pester for results.”

Choi Siwon tries his best to do away his strong desire to succeed, but prepare himself more than anyone.
At the end of January, only 3 weeks after the confirmation of his character, he already buffed up his body for the script. In the first page of the script, he panicked upon the description, ‘chocolate abdominal muscles’. Still 78kg at the start of the year, his weight drops to 70kg only after a week. The clear and artistic 6 abdominal muscles now is the result of Siwon’s strict demands.

“Secret? Not eating and keep running.”

3 hours of aerobic exercises, even water is not allowed. This cruel way of dieting allowed his body to buff up and satisfied the expectation. 

“Because this is work, so it is better to be cruel. To be honest, I don’t like to exercise. But being an artiste, it means being a public image, so I have no choice either. There are so many people anticipating after all.” 

To Siwon, who is currently challenging himself, the support from family-like Super Junior members is the biggest power. Kim Heechul, whom recently acted in said, “Haven’t act in a long time, the feeling is disappearing, find the feeling back immediately!” He improvised and said that in a variety show with feelings. Members of ‘Teuk Academy’ (A group formed by Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Shindong, segment on Strong Heart) have been helping Siwon to promote the show automatically.
Siwon is touched by the friendship between the members, but at the same time, he said something.

“Haven’t I been the same towards them, we have always been united.” 
And, he started laughing 

Reporter: Being the main actor for the first time and acting alongside with Chae Rim, I am curious about how both of you get along together. 

“Everyone knows that sister Chae Rim is a senior whom everyone can trust. She took care of me with utmost care at the set. When I am worried whether she would be too tired, she already walked forward and enquires about my well-being. Before filming, we do not know each other; I can only be counted as one of her fans.” 

Probably because Siwon is an idol who is very courteous, all the seniors took care of him. A few years back, Siwon with An Sheng Ji, Andy Lau and other seniors acted in a movie . Acting alongside with An Sheng Ji, reputed to be a national performer, to Siwon, is enlightenment to his life.
“Senior An is the real idol here. Before starting to film for the TV drama, I told senior An that I will be acting, he immediately encouraged me, ‘Good Good, do it well, try your best and there would be good result.” 

Hot and handsome man, Choi Siwon: I am willing to pay with my life for love.
“Good boy” Choi Siwon shone brightly in a variety show last year. He challenged the original record and had 60 clothes pegs put on his face. He had shown the strong desire to win and perseverance of a valiant man.

“Anyone can be like that, but I really hate the moment of failure. Guests challenging the record should not be better than the previous record. But even because of this, I would not slacken. We should try our best in everything we do, only like that; we won’t regret it in the future.” 

For someone who gives his best in everything he does, what is his point of view on love?

“I am someone who would give everything for love. When I was discussing with the manager of my agency, I even asked if there would be any problem if I get married. My manager was shocked but said, “No… no but you really want to get married, isn’t it?” In the end, I answered, “yes but not now.” (Smiles)

The kind of love Siwon looking for is love that he can give everything for.

“Be it going to heaven or hell, we can only live our life once. So I really want to live my life blissfully. I really want to give everything just like how God give his all. Isn’t it in the bible that said that love can take away many sins?” 

Another target of Siwon is to use his love and be a good son, a good son-in-law, a good husband, a good parent, a good father. As for marriage, it will wait till everything is ready. Just like a scene in the drama, when asked about his dream girl, he gave a meaningful smile.

“What kind of girls does Sung Min Woo like? How about answering this question like that. Being pretty would be good, but as time passes day by day, I would like the girl more if she can empathize and communicate with me. In reality, I would also give the same answer. I still like someone who can communicate with me. Communication isn’t just restricted to the use of language but also psychologically. My career decided that my life would be irregular and definitely have the need to stay up late, something to take note of. At the same time, the risk of getting *attacked. So, to be the other half of my life, she must be very understanding. A girl with great tolerance, gentle on the outside but strong on the inside, it would be even better. “ 

*I think he meant getting attacks from the netizens or the paparazzi or the media. 

In reality, would you fall in love with someone like Chae Rim’s character in , a middle-aged manager with children? Would the man who can give his life for love be the same in reality?

“I don’t know if you would believe me. I am just like a kid in the movie, **, I don’t know how to lie and also don’t see a need to lie. Age really doesn’t matter. Even 12 years old or more apart, once in love and love starts to grow, age is just a number. If two people cannot in love due to status, age or conditions, then there won’t be any touching story like Romeo and Juliet. Be it in the past or now, there are many examples of love that overcomes status and background. So, in reality, it is definitely possible to fall in love with someone like Chae Rim’s character in the drama
** I cannot find the actual movie title, so I just translate it directly. 

This flawless answer is just like bell ringing by your ears, causes an inexplicable agitation.
At the end of the interview, I asked the manager sitting by Siwon’s side, the actual character of Siwon and the character of Siwon’s role in , are they alike? The manager had a really long pause as if the question was really difficult. He is hesitating. If he answered that they are of the same character, it means Siwon would just acting as himself [Superman Wang: It means there isn’t much acting involved]; if he answered that they are of a totally different character, it would mean that Siwon’s acting is wonderful.
[Superman Wang: It means that the manager isn’t very sincere about the answer]

The manager hesitated for a long time, but under the continuous pressure of other people. He finally said a sentence. “Seeing Sung Min Woo in the drama, I have a feeling to give him a good bashing”
[Superman Wang: Deserved to be a good manager, he cleverly answered the question indirectly]

With the flowers blooming in March, meeting with the future superstar, Choi Siwon is definitely a good experience and memory.

Source: Baidu tieba
Translated by:
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credit to High Cut's Official Website | shared by superlover♫

[Interview] Siwon Interview in High Cut !

▶Always hard working, but a ‘Cool Guy’ who doesn’t drag on.

It’s his first drama for 3 years ever since ‘the Legend of HyangDan’. He will be acting as ‘picky top star’ Sung MinWoo along with Chaerim, ‘ajumma manager’. He was easily seen on TV as Super Junior’s SiWon for many years, but he couldn’t resist his want to act. In fact, he debuted as an actor before his debut as Super Junior. I told him his filmography is not very much known (even though he acted in ‘18 vs 29’, ‘My Precious Family’, and ‘Drama City – charnel house boy’), he takes it without offense, answering coolly.

“There are pros in many people not knowing my past works. I can be show them better side of myself.”

In fact, he is unusually modest for a celebrity. All the people who know him credits him for his good manners. It’s hard to imagine ‘Good mannered guy’ SiWon falling in love with ajumma manager as ‘picky top star’. Especially it’s his first leading role in a drama. Wouldn’t he be pressured?

“I wanted to challenge the role because it was different from my real self. I like the good mannered image but I don’t like being caged in as one image. To tell you the truth, I don’t feel any pressure.” I told him there is unknown confidence coming from him, he denies it quickly. “If I keep tell myself to do better, I could be over confident. So I’ll definitely try my best, but I won’t drag on. (meaning he won’t be greedy for himself)”

He got rid of any greediness but prepared for the drama like mad. After he was chosen for the role at the end of January, he focused on building his body in three weeks. The words ‘chocolate abs’ caught his eyes the first time he read the synopsis, he was pressured. At the start of 2010, he was at 78kg, but he lost 8kg in a week as the result of crude body making for priceless six packs. “The secret? I didn’t eat, but only ran.” He got his perfect body after 3 hours of daily aerobics, and waterless days.

Supports from his family-like SJ members are a big help. Heechul affectionately advised him that ‘since you haven’t been acting for so long, your sense in acting must have gone down, so you have to work hard to get that back.’ Also, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Shindong, (TeukAcademy members) have volunteered to be PRing for his drama.

I got curious about his chemistry with Chaerim. “She’s really nice, taking care of me at the studio. I was worried that it might be hard to get along with her, but she came to me, talked to me first. We didn’t know each other before OML, so I was just a fan.”

▶’Hot Guy’ who would do anything for his love.

‘Gentleman Siwon’ was rediscovered in program “Star King” last year. He had over 60 laundry pins on his face, challenging himself for a new record. His manly tenacity was shown in that challenge. “I hate losing. That time, I wasn’t supposed to do better than the challenger as he came out on TV with it, but I don’t spare my body because that way, I won’t have any regrets after.”

As he tries his best in everything, what would love mean to him. “I will do anything for my love. When I was signing with SMEnt., I asked if it was okay to get married while I had my contract. The president (of SMEnt.) was surprised, asking ‘yes you can.. but do you have one you want to marry right now?’ I replied ‘No, I don’t have one. Not yet.’ (SW smiled here.)

He dreams of a such a devoting love, willing to give anything for the love. “I want to have a happy life as you only live once. I want a love where I can give anything, like agape love. The Bible says ‘Charity shall cover a multitude of sins’. (in Korean translation, charity=love) One of his life goals are to be a good son, good son-in-law, good husband, good head of the family, and good dad. He will marry when everything is ready.

I asked for his ideal type, he smiled and said there was a same question in the drama. “ ‘What’s your ideal type, Minwoo?’ then I answer. ‘Of course I like pretty women. But as I get older, I like people I can relate to, I can communicate with.’ And that’s really how it is for me in real life.”

He is a guy who would die for his love. Would he really fall in love with a single mom like in OML even in real life? “You probably wouldn’t believe me, but I’m like a ‘ticking bomb’ in a way. I can’t lie. I try not to. Age isn’t a factor to me. I don’t care if my girlfriend is 12 years older or more. If I fall in love with her, then age is only a number to me.

Original article : Sports Chosun
English translation: kc_PSB @ 
Taken from Omonatheydidn't!

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