For a stronger BEAST… danced as if to break our bodies
‘Shock’ was a song that showed BEAST’s good qualities. Yoseob said laughing, “Because my image was a cute image and I didn’t work out as much as the other members, it was difficult.” Yong Junhyung said, “I cut my hair short and got a tattoo.” He showed his tattoo which meant to him ‘Carpe diem’ ‘Live each day as if it’s the last’ ‘If I’m born again, I want to be born as my mother’s son’. His mother chose the tattoo. Jang Hyunseung came up with his own hairstyle and makeup concept.
While preparing for their 2nd mini album the hardest part was perfecting the powerful dance. Even BEAST members, who were confident in their dancing, were ‘fatigued’ while tackling the new choreography. It was a hard time especially for Yong Junhyung who was featuring in performances of Hyuna’s solo song “Change”.
Yong Junyung confessed, “While practicing, I twisted my leg muscles and had to go to the hospital. I didn’t even have time to fully recover because I had to perform ‘Change’.” The members commented on the choreography, “The power of even the basic moves is a different level. You have to dance as if you’re breaking your body.” Magnae Son Dongwoon added, “I ripped and ruined several pants while dancing.”
Singing the song perfectly live with this powerful choreography was a great assignment for the members. Yang Yoseob lauged, “I started eating Yonggaksan.”
“I thought that being good at singing and dancing was enough”
Six months have passed since BEAST’s debut in October after the long tunnel of their trainee period. Yoon Doojoon through ‘Sunday Night’ and other variety programs, Lee Kikwang through recently ended ‘High Kick Through the Roof’ both showed different sides of them. The other members are slowly beginning to show their hidden talents as well.
Yang Yoseob confessed, “Honestly, I was a bit sad when only Doojoon or Kikwang got attention. But then I realized because of them, people recognized BEAST more. Then I realized my jealousy was immature.”
Yong Junhyung said, “I thought you could just enjoy it and have fun, but that wasn’t it. It’s also not just doing the part given to you. I learned if there’s even a slight difference in the members’ thoughts, we don’t see the big picture and it never happens.”
In Lee Kikwang’s case, “Keeping up was my challenge. No matter how late filming for ‘High Kick Through the Roof’ ended, I didn’t want to become luggage to the other members. I didn’t want to be a burden to BEAST.”
Jang Hyunseung said, “Before debut I wanted to be acknowledged for my dancing and singing. Even if I was at the bottom of music charts, I wanted to do what I liked. But once I debuted I realized evaluation from the public, love from fans were things I also wanted. This album woke me up from my illusion.”
It’s said that idol singers can just be made. But not anyone can become a star. There’s anticipation for the outcome of BEAST, who are in between being stars or just idol singers.
[MKnews Star Today Lee Hyunwoo reporter nobodyin@mk.co.kr ]
CREDITS: MK NEWS (SOURCE); birdsareweird@B2ST Rising (TRANS)
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