Shindong's tweets
말레이시아가따가 지금막 한국도착!!!!^^ 유후..^^ 고생하셧급습니다
6:50AM KST via TweetieJust arrived at Korea from Malaysia!!!! ^^ yay..^^ good job everyone
말레이시아공연 아주 좋았어요 행복했습니다^^ 난 이제 아이들과의 약속을 지키러 뽀뽀뽀 동그리동 으로 변신!! 얍얍 ㅎㅎ 뽀뽀뽀 하러가잡….^^ㅎㅎ
7:16AM KST via TweetieMalaysia concert was really good. I was really happy ^^ Now I’m changing to DongGriDong to keep the promise with the kids~ going to BboBboBbo!! Yay yay ㅎㅎ Let’s go doboBboBbo… ^^ ㅎㅎ
@ShinsFriends 뱅기타고 오시느라 고생많으셨어요 /via @bluecat1106 갠적으로 말레이시나 항공 너무 불편하네요 !!ㅠㅠ 그리고 인천공항 마지막 출구나올때 세관신고서 받으시는분….반말하지맙시다..”천천히! 멈춰! 가! ” ㅡㅡ
7:43AM KST via Tweetie@ShinsFriends Must have been hard on you to be on plane~ /via @bluecat1106 Personally feel that Malaysian airline is uncomfortable!! ㅠㅠ And the person at the customs, let’s not use banmal*.. “Slow down! Stop! Go!” ㅡㅡ
* impolite to say to someone you’ve seen for the first time
Source: Shindong's Twitter
English Translation: Chrissy @
May take out with proper credits and without editing
Sungmin's Diary Entry
2010.03.22 time : 14:28
I am a very busy man!
still have a long, long way to go..
credit: ♬thea @
Do not add credit to yourself if taking out.
MinWoo (Siwon)'s message to fans
Dear my lovely family!
Hello, this is Choi Si won. How have you been?
Though it's already close to the end of march, it's still cold outside ^^
Be careful not to catch a cold and be well ^^
Thanks to your attention, love and prayers, filming is going well ^0^
Thank you sooo much!
Finally, today is the opening!
Hope our drama makes you happy in these chilly weather ^^
Please be generous and enjoy even if there might be some mistakes ^^
It's really comforting and I cannot thank you enough that you are always with me ^-^
I love you guys very much!
I pray that today would be happy with the bless and lead of holy spirit.
Sung,Minwoo Choi,Siwon
CR: The Siwonest
Translated by: 리건 @HappytalkTake out with FULL and PROPER credits!