Title: Hello?
Written on 2010.02.13 at 04:43 AM
It's been a long time.. it's been an extremely long time hasn't it?
In this late night I just.. because I just want to come over and scribble this and that thing to my sides*..
Have aekyu people been doing well?
Daesang singer, Popularity Award singer Kyuhyunie comes greeting you since a while ^^
Ah...ㅎㅎㅎ this makes me rather shy~
The 4th meaningful day of my debut will be gone in no time~
Time goes by truly quickly~
Obviously I remember the image of myself working hard to adjust to the team even up until a few days ago
But that time was just like a dream..
The same day we got together has slipped away without us realizing!
In the year 2010 whether we're going to be able to be together even more so than last year..
I'm truly happy each day
because in any case, good events, bad events, my sides* do not give up the trust they have in a person such as me
Of course it's very good that my sides* also point out my mistakes..
But who am I~ if I don't make futile mistakes I'm not myself~ ㅎㅎㅎ
I'd like you to just give me faith and protection.. just like we've been until now together! ㅋㅋ
Ah~ and starting from this year I have my own goal set too and I will go on living enthusiastically day by day..
of course while also relieving stress every now and then as well ~~
Will our E.L.F. too set goals and live up to them...?ㅎㅎ I'll have faith in you~
(And once again I'm also just surprised by the careful selection of gifts from aekyuhyun people..ㅎ)**
Have a very happy new year~~ and receive a lot of money too***.. or give a lot !
Wishing for this year too to be a happy year together with Kyuhyunie and Super Junior ^^
A very happy new year~♥
Original Source. 愛규현 Fancafe
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
* Similar to "my other half", he's referring to the fans. It stresses on how important they are.
** Gifts by 愛규현members: a CD with 23 instrumental versions of his favourite songs (one for each year of his life), so that he can record himself singing with the microphone they got him (All-In-One USB Powered Condenser Microphone), and a pocket-sized DJ system device. Lastly, they gave him a small booklet with a few hand-written letters.
*** New Year's gift of money, a tradition.
+++ Kyuhyun never fails to be extremely polite and well versed in his fancafe entries, he's always using honorifics even for E.L.F.; translating his entries is difficult, but also very gratifying.
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