2PM 우영이 배우 김태희에게 CF를 찍다가 대화를 나눈 사실을 밝혔다.
우영은 12월 12일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘연예가중계’에서 김태희와 CF를 함께 찍은 소감을 밝히며 대화도 나눈 사실을 공개했다.
준호가 “대화를 못해봤다. 접촉을 꺼리시더라”고 말하자, 우영은 “난 얘기했다”며 “KBS 2TV 수목드라마 ‘아이리스’에 대해 얘기했다. 결말이 궁금했다”고 말했다.
2PM은 디자이너 앙드레김이 함께 특별공연을 하자고 말한 것에 대해 “이미 닉쿤은 했다”며 “그 때는 워킹을 잘 못해서 혼났다”고 털어놨다.
한편 이날 2PM은 발성준수, 힘택연, 엉짱준호(엉덩이짱), 앙앙우영, 윙크닉쿤, 잘 먹는 찬성이라는 별명을 밝히기도 했다.
In English:
2PM's Wooyoung revealed his conversation with actress Kim Tae Hee while filming a CF.
On December 12th, Wooyoung spoke up on KBS 2TV's 'Entertainment News' about his feelings in filming the CF with Kim Tae Hee and revealed the conversation that they had.
Junho said "I didn't get to talk with her. It seemed as if she wanted space" but Wooyoung butted in saying "I spoke to her" and "We spoke up about KBS 2TV's drama 'Iris.' I was curious about the ending."
2PM said in response to designer Andre Kim wanting to have a special performance together, "Nichkhun already did it" and "They did the walking wrong and so they got in trouble."
Also on this day, they revealed their nicknames of 2PM with Voice Junsu, Strength Taecyeon, Best Butt Junho, Ang Ang Wooyoung, Wink Nichkhun, and Chansung Who Eats Well.
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