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[Interview] Heechul Nylon Magazine December Issue Interview


You’ve received a lot of interviews?
Yes, (so much that) it’s tiring. But (I) like to receive interviews. I like it as long as it’s individual interviews. [smiles] I did well if I did the interview alone, when there’re more people I’m unwilling to do it well.

Why? Is it because you won’t have the attention?
It’s not because of that but because I’m too sensitive. During group interviews I don’t like to speak. Because Teukie (and the rest) speaks very well. Moreover, when there’re more people, this person thinks this way and sits in this position, that person thinks that way and sits in that position, it wastes time. I am a time-concept thorough person, (I) dislike unpunctuality.

During the photo shoot just now, when ask that you let the shirt flow out of the pants, at that time you said you have OCD*, looks like you’re not joking?
Ah, it’s not a disorder, my mum said I’m overly picky.

* - obsessive-compulsive disorder

Like for cups?
Yes, I dislike other people drinking my water. If anyone’s mouth touched the bottle and drank my water, I don’t wish to see him anymore. Hahaha

When watching old variety programs, you said you had a date with girlfriend to meet at 7 o’clock, won’t wait if a little late and walk off straight away, I’ve always wanted to ask why?
Yes, I’m very thorough with time, ask manager hyung, once manager hyung wakes me up, I got up immediately. Not sure if it’s due to having a cat, I’m especially sensitive.

What does it have to do with having a cat?
Will become very sensitive having a cat, even if asleep, when the cat’s stomach is growling have to get up and feed it.

Is there any question (you) dislike due to sensitivity? Like this question, it’s better not to ask or something similar?
Nope, I like offensive questions; therefore I like [Kang] Hodong hyung.

That’s good, but it seems like you don’t have anyone that you’re afraid of
Yes, thought that there’s nothing to feel unfortunate about. Just doing this occupation feels very gratifying so don’t have much expectation on anyone, of course there’s also no nostalgia.

Even on how (people) take care of you or treat you, you have no expectations at all?
Yes, even if someone disappointed me, that is also within my anticipation, so won’t brood over it. I’m not a person who gets hurt easily. The difference between me and Teukie (and the rest) is that Teukie is the kind that will have sequelae for a long period of time, keeping all memories in the heart kind of innocence. I am the kind that when I like, I like, when in love, (I’m) in love, but once broke off, that’s it.

How can one be like that?
Unconsciously become like that. Just throw infatuation away. It’s the same when young, after exam is over for one subject, (even if the paper) hasn’t been marked already started preparing for the next subject. Although did not study seriously, haha, it’s already over without thinking, (I’m) a realist, the kind that looks forward to the future. Dislike doing the same things repeatedly too. When I was on more varieties, I have (developed) my own self-philosophy. If one is in a variety doing the same performance repeatedly, everyone will think that that is not effort but staying in situ.

But if it’s like this, don’t (you) think that the characters in dramas are very similar?
Yes, ever thought about that too. This time before the start of filming, have talked to the company about a lot of details regarding the production. Because I haven’t acted for more than a year, and also I’m not an experienced actor, so don’t have much burden.

Is it because of the chance to be the main lead, so specially picked the character of Leechul in “I love you 10 million times”?
Haha, truthfully, no. If my level is at a certain extend maybe I will, but I’m not.

Although U-Know Yunho started acting later than you, he’s already a main lead in a drama. Are you jealous?
Not at all. Yunho did call me to ask, “Hyung, how to act?” I said, “Ya, I don’t even know myself, how do I tell you!” Haha. The company is the one that let me choose the character, to life up the role is my responsibility. So only concentrated on how to life up the role, didn’t think about acting out more important roles. I won’t feel that speaking as if (I) have the prince disease is that I’m not living up to expectations, so having leisure time to do something much like this once in a while. “Don’t have to care about others, as long as do (my) own things seriously there will be harvest”. Because I’m so cool.

How does it feel to see yourself act?
Up to now is still shy, it’s the same for musical/stage plays.

Then, holding the microphone sideways, crawling on the ground, kiss performance on stage, what are those?
(I) don’t even know when doing (it)! Will want to perform what can be shown on stage, but seeing it after the show, will be shy. I don’t want to be too greedy. Even though (I) have confidence, but won’t covet others, also won’t blame others. During shows won’t say “I’m better than other people”, but say “He’s very handsome, but I’m not bad either”.

To tell the truth, the self-confessed handsome Kim Heechul sshi, are you the same before debut and now?
Changed a lot, character is better too, haha

Character has changed for the better?
Yes, after debut usually will become difficult to get along. People around (me) said I have become better.

(Your) parents said, “Kim Heechul you’re sensible now”, is referring to this?
Yes. Already said that, said I’m sensible. Now I say this myself, during the beginning of Super Junior activities, (I) think a lot. I debuted as an actor, in the end Super Junior is more famous than my acting, so as an actor, Kim Heechul’s position became more and more narrow.

No matter what a lot has said (you) debuted as an actor from Super Junior
Yes, feel troubled about it too. Because in the drama the situation is that I have to cry, but on stage have to sing happily. Because is in the learning stage, so it’s not that easy to be able to switch moods, so have a lot of conflicts with members. Members will say, “Hyung, since (you’re) a singer (you) should join in the rehearsals.” I will say, “Then do you think that an actor giving up his drama to stand here is right?” There are a lot of such conflicts. During ‘Sorry Sorry’ (promotions) had dilemmas over whether to stand on stage or not, in addition there’s the leg injury.

When the members are feeling sad, how do you regulate?
Donghae, Eunhyuk, Shindong, they will say, “Hyung, you’re here. We’ve already choreographed the dance, you just have to stand in position will do.” Thinking of it, I’ve only thought about how to perform better in the drama, but these friends even thought about me, (my) tears just flowed out. In the past only thought about myself, now if (I’m) angry or troubled over things will play with the members, that can relief stress/pressure.

Don’t like to sing and dance? (You) confessed once that you don’t know how to sing
Not don’t like. Sometimes can only be in the ‘don’t like’ situation. When singing ‘U’, after the off-tone incident, haha. Even though I’m in the wrong, but the audience will think that the problem lies in Super Junior. Don’t wish to bring harm to the members, moreover I like rock or rough tunes, I’m not used to dancing or happy music, body is clumsy so dance is like that too. I think that in Super Junior, there are members who are good at singing and there are members who are good at dancing, if I take a position that is not my strength and goes, “I must be the lead in songs, dance I must also be the lead”, then I will be finished very soon, so, want to focus more on acting. These are things that fans know about too. In the beginning I was very hard to get along, very unwilling to do, feeling very tired, during Japan concert there’s such questions too. I really dislike it when the performing location is not perfect, so got mad, atmosphere will become bad too. But no matter what I’m the one who hampered the atmosphere, feel sorry towards the members. So (I) apologised, in the end Shindong Eunhyuk, touched and with tears in their eyes said, “It’s the first time saying (hearing) sorry from Hyung’s mouth”, at that time I though ‘ah, I’m really trash during that period’ haha.

Impossible to know right from the start that (you) have talent in acting, if not particularly good at singing and dancing, then how did (you) become a celebrity? Heechul sshi became a celebrity because of good looks?
Truth be told, yes, I admit it. I like being the center of attention, like to play, but during the audition, my standard was like singing a ‘patriotic song’ level, don’t know how to dance too. Watching the audition tape now, ah-hu. To tell the truth I think that the reason I’m in Super Junior is because of my looks. So losing weight now too, seeing my face in the drama, it’s definitely due to my good looks, but I’m not exquisite then it’s like betraying those that likes me. So I desperately lost 8kg. I really thought that I’ll vomit, if feel hungry then (I’ll) eat qingyang chilli, that will sweat profusely, lost weight like this. Because there’s (shooting of) pictorial today, yesterday and the day before yesterday even exercised.

Wow, then because of the pictorial today (you) didn’t eat anything yesterday?
Nope, have to eat in the morning or else will get anaemia, haha, but didn’t eat today.

Have to endure.

Because (you’re) a celebrity, there are things that don’t do and (have to) endure?
Don’t wish to set that kind of limitation, it’s also the degree of caution when speaking? Honestly I’ve smoked before, I’ve done this and that before too, but regretted in the end. Can’t really eat hot* stuff because lungs aren’t good.

* - as in temperature hot

But, truthfully, don’t seem to much pay attention when speaking?
Of course, I’m not the kind that speaks nicely. Will say what should be said, but, will try not to speak foul language. Hahaha, since debut don’t I have a free-spirited image? Have to comply with what should be complied with because a kid like me, even a little error can be destroyed in a second.

Even though (you’ve) ran away from home before, but (you’ve) never absent from class?
Yes, even though ever deviated, freely unrestrained, but will try not to break the law. In the company they let me do this and that, I’ll say no, I don’t want to. Is the kind that when people asked me to do but I won’t do kind of frog character. So I’ve never learnt acting. My hairstyle and clothes aren’t approved (by the company). I won’t wear what they want me to wear; it’s the same with hairstyling. I’ll draw it out. Then ask them (the hairstylists) to style according to the drawing, even (I’m) an idol (I’ve) grown a moustache before.

I’ve been thinking, wear red from top to bottom, curly hairstyle but changed to blond, really, when is the end of Kim Heechul’s image?
Red hair, yellow hair, light yellow hair, have tried all colors before. I fluctuate greatly. Can I have a biscuit and continue? I’m anaemic now…[smiles]

Do you want a banana?
You’re saying now you want me to eat this rotten banana?

Haha, no, there’re good ones
That time will focus on dressing up. But recently likes natural. I dislike dirtiness. If to tell the truth, there’re no other hairstyles to set. Like Siwon fits the masculine figure, but with my figure it’s not suitable. And I cannot digest the playboy look, Kibum will be able to digest. I won’t violate others’ field, so we get along well.

On ‘Julchin Note’, said that everyone wore the same pants, but you alone wore red pants, what’s that about? Because of that your relation with Eunhyuk became bad right?
This happened 3 years ago, in 2006, because it was for World Cup Special*, I said I wanna wear red, so say just wear, but Eunhyuk said, “Hyung, that is not suitable at all”, but I didn’t listen, then he complaint to manager hyung. [smiles] So I said to him, “You as a man, what contemptible thing did you do?” Rather than saying I wanna be conspicuous, might as well say I want to wear that pants. I fluctuate greatly. Just said that I want to dye my hair black, in the end at the salon I said, “No, not dyeing.” Hankyung always say whenever he sees me, “It seems to me you’re crazy.” Haha.

* - referring to 2006 FIFA World Cup, a soccer tournament held once in 4 years

Among the clothes worn, is there any that you’re embarrassed about thinking about it now?
No, because was satisfied at that time.

That’s good, living life according to one’s own will right?
To say it again, even though freely unrestrained, but will comply with what should be complied with. [smiles] So acting teachers they like me, received a lot of love, very happy.

Heechul sshi you are a person who won’t be able to adapt if being nagged at about interpersonal relationship, right?
Really can’t adapt, definitely cannot. Tell me what to do, that I’ll especially dislike.

Even towards girlfriend or a girl that you like, it’s the same too?
So, Donghae said to me, “Hyung, don’t get married.” Definitely dislike didactic people, so towards others I’m not like that. But I will listen to Donghae or SNSD’s Taeyeon. Donghae will say to me, “Kim Heechul, (if) don’t (want to) annoy me, then just do it.” When I’m mad, atmosphere is oppressive, and members are quiet, like that Donghae will say, “Kim Heechul, Kim Heechul, you’re mad again? Let’s go eat. What do you want to eat?” Then I will say, “Kimchi fried rice” [smiles] Taeyeon is originally very cute, both are too cute. If Donghae and Taeyeon fell into the river, both of them are kids that I can use my life to defend/save. (In the end, Heechul said this part is very interesting. Requested us that we have to write this in) Seeing them I myself will become pure. Yoona said to me, “Oppa, I always do cute things towards oppa, I’m cute right?” Then I’ll say, “Nope, Taeyeon is still cuter.” Members are the same. Siwon asked me, “Hyung, to hyung, am I already at the same position as Donghae or Kibum?” Then I said, “No, far from it.” FT Island’s Hongki is also an obedient dongsaeng. I said to Hongki, “It’s good to have good relationships with female celebrities, but if too close then it won’t seem high class.”

Fear that it will seem cheap?
Yes, will look cheap. So Hongki and SNSD kids use a salon for 2-3 years, up till now still greet (them) ‘Hello’ awkwardly. (Hongki) asked me, “Hyung, when this person speaks to me, what should I do?” I told him, “Be arrogant.” He will act arrogantly, very obedient.

Is this some kind of Kim Heechul development center?
Yes, with a little compulsiveness, haha. Shinee’s Taemin saw me made a cameo in ‘TaeHee HyeGyo JiHyun’, he was completely mesmerised by me, said, “I wanna (become) like hyung”, everybody has ever discouraged him.

Looks like everyone is working hard to gain Heechul sshi’s love
Maybe becoming my enemy will be very tiring. Hongki is Type AB, in addition don’t we have a Type-AB gathering?! Mithra Jin, Hongki, (Cho) Jungmo hyung etc, magazines can use this as a topic.

(Do you) meet regularly?
No. Gathered twice?

Are there times that you feel you’re Type AB? (Do you) believe in blood types?
No. But towards the Type AB self I’m a little conceited. Since young suffered too much suppression.

Because (I’m) Type AB, then everyone looked at me strangely, so have strong resistance, in addition I’m left-handed, quickly becoming right-handed degree of resistance.

(Do you) feel that you’re special? Honestly, you do have that kind of thinking right?
Occasionally. There are shows that portray me as even more special, more peculiar.

But in reality, it’s done by yourself
This is really a sad topic. In the past will have special, or ‘Is this wrong’ kind of thoughts. Since young heard a lot of “You can’t be like that” “Why did you think this way.” But don’t wish to admit it’s my own fault. So in high school fought a lot because of looking pretty, if even if action is silent will be left alone. For boys, will start to have friends around when fighting a little right, actually I don’t meet people when outside. If it’s about me, no matter it’s good or bad, don’t like it. I like alcohol but don’t like to feast. Heard that other people like to feast but don’t like alcohol. So at home will call cat to drink or go to [Kang] Jihwan hyung’s place to drink together. Going to crowded places will only have rumours.

What rumours? Kim Heechul is like this?
No. Saw Kim Heechul, I think this kind of rumours itself will reduce mystery. No matter how well I speak, greet politely, in the person’s eyes it’s ‘don’t even greet properly’, that will not gain me good reviews. Normally I’m not a lucid person. Everyone said that, “(You’re) very different from shows.”

Today (you’re) exactly the same
Mood now is overjoyed. Because recently is too blessed.

What’s there be happy about?
Acting in a drama that I wanted to act in and studying it. (Relationship) with members is good, we still have the unwritten rule till now, have to announce when settling, parent definitely can’t interfere, and women problems.

What settlement? What women problems?
[Hehe] This is a very funny thing, take for example, favourite female celebrities? Eeteuk said, “I think that Han Ga-in sshi is not bad.” Then the others can’t like Han Ga-in sshi, can’t even look. But everyone keeps to it [this unwritten rule].

Even though like that person also can’t date, even liking also can’t like?
Yes, haha. Have to help chase. Unwritten rule, this must be followed unconditionally.

Then if say out favourite 30 people first?
If say out 30 people, then we’ll exterminate him first. [smiles]

And settlement too?
Of course, don’t we earn money?

That’s right, because an idol saying ‘settlement’ this word, haha
“How much can he earn?” If have this kind of thoughts will become distant, so everyone decided to announce. Then after settlement will ask, “How much this time?” “This time I seem to have a little more, how about hyung?” During the period when I was resting, “Ya, kid, I’m not working recently, don’t have much left.” Because members have a lot of individual activities, so not all are the same. If like that then the one who earns more will treat. Won’t be stingy over meals. Jokingly, we ate roasted loin meat, don’t intend to digest for a few days. We will quarrel face to face if there’s any dissatisfaction, (and) patch up afterwards. I lived trivially and interestingly like this. It will be good if acting is also stable.

But there’s a kind of feeling, image in variety shows is more charming than the character in dramas, no? Maybe it’s a short-coming as an actor, when acting as a killer, autistic person, college exam student, maybe there are bias people
That’s why I want to reduce on arts programs; honestly my participation in variety shows is more of a hot topic than in dramas, no?! Want to go into the acting line, will have parts that have to give up, so self-restrict to go on variety shows that can emit my charms. Want to act in movies like ‘The Chaser’ ‘Beastie Boys’.

That can be done too? Role as a host?
I practice everyday. I still have Hankyung, Kibum, as long as attracted by one of them (I) will devote wholeheartedly. When watching ‘Tajja’ was mesmerised by Pyung Kyung Jang, that period wore shades. One day, like a mad man, didn’t speak for the whole day. I want to act in a role that is not myself. So (I) like acting a lot. This is confidence, I feel that I can do well.

This year is already over, any wishes for next year?
Next year, want to receive an award as an actor, very much want to receive an award. Next year, (want to) stabilise by acting.

The topic won’t be the same as others say like stylists, hairstylists etc?
So have this kind of thoughts ‘maybe you thought that I will come prepared with a lot of topics, but, thank you. And left an odometer’ just like this. Hahaha

Today’s Singles Day, did you receive Pepero [chocolates]?
I did. I haven’t told you before? Seems like lady luck has ran out. This have to mass notify?

Source: NYLON December 2009 Issue
Credit: (with bits from
Shared by viragis @
May take out with full and proper credits

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