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Showing posts with label DKP Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DKP Announcement. Show all posts

[Announcement] DKP's main Youtube account has been suspended again!

Dear visitors,this if my 5th youtube account being deleted,i am pretty disappointed with this as i have just started to sub videos these few days,anyway,i still have my backup account with me,i don't know how long will it last,one month,two months,or my account will be deleted next week,nobody can tell,but please support DKP by subscribing,thanks!!

Subscribe over Youtube channel! HERE

[Announcement] DKP is looking for more authors!

With a few of our blogs' authors going hiatus,we need more people who can contribute to k pop lovers.

We need active authors here who can post at least 5 posts here a day,of course you can take out articles from other sites except, and

If you take out articles from other sites,please put proper credits,an example as shown below!

For example you took an article from Daily K Pop News

At the end of your article.Please put proper credits

Credits:Kacey @ Daily K Pop News
Article's Link:

Some other requirements to be an author here:

1.You have a blogger blog
2.You have experience blogging
3.You are good in english
4.Every post must have at least 30 w0rds
5.Before title of every post,must state the types of posts,Eg [Pictures],[NEWS] or [ViDEOS].

If you are interested to be an author here,just remind us on our blog's chatbox,thanks!

First DKP Subbed Video is out!

I have always been thinking of subbing videos by myself and i have learned the ways to do so for a long time.

However,i managed to sub one video earlier today,it is the first ever video i have subbed,of coursie there are still more to come,i will continue to produce more DKP Subbed videos in the near future,so please subscribe to both our Youtube channels for more subbed videos in the future!

My first project!

Our channel HERE
2Nnd Channel HERE

[DKP Announcement] Recruitment & New fanpages! [Updated with Rainbow's Fanpage!]

Firstly,we have built fanpages for f(x) and U Kiss recently,hopefully you guys will be a fan on both fanpages,your kindness is highly appreciated!

Be a fan of Rainbow HERE

Be a fan of f(x) HERE

Be a fan of U Kiss HERE

Besides,we need some new authors and contributors to join us as many of our staff here are facing exams soon,so i am afraid that the active members here will not be able to handle posting and studying at the same time,we need 2 new staff that can post between the time range of 12PM Kst - 6PM Kst!

Some of the conditions required:

1)You can online for long time daily!
2)You have a blogger acount!
3)You must know the way of posting using blogger.
4)Great command of english.
5)Sufficient knowledge about K Pop.

Some of the format of posting!
1) Must label (exp:[NEWS],[Pictures] & [Videos] in front of title)
2)Every post must have a photo
3)At least 30 words for each post
4)No posting of rumours!

The most important thing is you must have a blog before,post your name,your blog's url and the way of contacting on the comment box below,hope that you will join our big family soon!

[Announcement] Affliations system changed for Daily K Pop News!

Dear visitors,i know that the old affliations system of our blog is terrible as we rarely have time to update that page from time to time.

To solve the terrible affliations system of our blog,i have decided to introduce a new way of affliating other K Pop related websites,blogs and forums.

As you can see on the right sidebar of our blog,there is a new corner with the title "DKP's Friends",the way to get linked to our blog is easy,some simple conditions to be fulfilled as shown below.

1)Your blog,website and forum must be K Pop related.
2)You must link us 1st before we link you.
3)Our link must appear on the homepage of your site.

Fill in the form below and post it on the comment box if you are interested to be linked with us,the sequence of your site to appear on the blogroll will go according to your site's name!

Affliations Form
Site's Name:
Site's URL:

We still dont have any affliation buttons for our blog yet,if you are interested to make us a small button,you can use the logo shown above,just leave the link of the buttons on the comment box,we really appreciate your kindness!

You can use it if you find that it is fine for you!

Note:We will only update this page on Saturday and Sunday!

Be a fan of KARA on Facebook!

I know there is already an existing fanpage of KARA on Facebook,however,the fanpage of KARA has not been updating for such a long time,as a fan of KARA,i have decided to build another fanpage for them,hope that all of you will support the fanpage by becoming a fan,thanks!!


We need help on our forum!

Our forum is officially launched finally!

We have been posting K Pop News on our blog for more than 5 months since our blog was built in May,the main purpose for me to build this forum is to enable more K Pop lovers to have the opportunity to post some latest K Pop stuffs there,you can only post comments on our blog here but there are more functions in our forum.

Of course we will still update our blog as usual but if you have anything to share with other K Pop fans,you can post them on our forum!

Please register to be our forum's member,thanks for supporting!

Some special positions of our forum!

200 posts to be DKP's Friend
400 posts to be DKP's Good Friend
600 posts to be DKP's Close Friend
800 posts to be DKP's Best Friend
1000 posts to be DKP's VIP

Lastly,we need some K Pop Lovers to help us on our forum,you can apply to be a moderator of our forum,there are a lot of sections on our forum,if you want to be a moderator,what you need to do is post as many as you can on the section,we will decide after viewing you contribution on this coming friday!

Fill in the form below to apply for a moderator position!

Section In Charged: example (SM Entertainment Male Artists)
Username on DKP's Forum:

Post this form on the comment box below,thanks!

[Annoucement] Many thanks for your banners submissions,New Year banners competition opens!

Many thanks to so many excellent graphic designers for submitting your artworks to us,i am here to announce a project that we are going to have in the near future,it is named as Hot K Pop Wallpapers,meaning that we will post a permanent thread on our blog for the 3 selected designers to submit their artworks to us from time to time and we will post them on the thread for K Pop lovers to download.We will help you to promote your Twitter or Facebook account on the thread if you managed to become one of the designers.

In order to become our blog's official designers,you have to participate in the New Year Banners Designing Competition.You have to submit a total of 3 banners in order to participate in the competition.

The banners should have the conditions below
1)The main theme is "New Year" (Year 2010)
2)The banners must contain Daily K Pop News,URL of our blog,Slogan (The Home Of K Pop Lovers)
3)Three banners
300 times 300 one for facebook
1200 times 300 for blog's main banner
1200 times 200 for shoutbox rules!

We have received the artworks from Kim Craze and Jheane Cruz for the competition.

Participant 1 :
Kim Craze
Main Banner
Shoutbox Rules

Participant 2:
Jheane Cruz
Facebook Banner

Chatbox Banner

Please submit your artworks to before 31 December,we will put up a poll for readers to vote for the best participant,the best 3 designers will be selected as our blog's official designers and they will involve in the Hot K Pop Wallpapers project!

In addition,there are a total of 5 designers submitted their artworks for Daily K Pop News' main banner!

Jheane Cruz

Kim Craze


quint ess3ntial

Janine Alcantara

[Competition] Vote for your favourite designer!

As informed yesterday,we will have a poll here to select three of the following participants to be our blog's official designers,we have received a total of 4 submissions so far meaning that only one of them will not be able to become our blog's desginer.

Besides,we will also open an official thread for our blog's designers to post up their works from time to time for DKP's readers to download,they will design some wallpapers from time to time and active readers will have the right to request for the stars that they wish to appear on the PC wallpapers!

So what are you waiting for?Please vote for your favourite designer!

Participant 1 :Kim Craze

Participant 2:Jheane Cruz

Participant 3: CHIOnew

Participant 4 : Janine Alcantara

This poll will end at 12PM KST 1st January 2010!


[Annoucement] Please subscribe to our backup Youtube Account !

I have noticed that our blog's Youtube account has received two warnings and another one means the end of the channel,so i hope that you guys can give us some support by subscribing to our backup channel,below is the link of our new channel,we will be starting to upload videos there,thanks for your support!

Besides,our blog is looking for new banner designers as our regular designer of the blog,is busy with school schedule,if you want to be our blog's official designer,you have to undergo a test!

You will be asked to design a banner for year 2010.

1)Your banner should include the logo of Daily K Pop News (In the pic)
2) Must have our blog's URL
3)The size is 12oo width times 300 height!
4)Please include the slogan of our blog in the banner, The Home Of K Pop Lovers

We have received an artwork so far,the F.CUZ and ZE:A banner is made by KimCraze!
Some other wallpapers designed by KimCraze

Another designer sent us his/her artworks,kudos to Jheane Cruz for his artworks!!

The latest banner by Janine Alcantara

Send your artworks to ,good luck to you guys!

We also plan to open a permanent thread to share fanmade artworks with readers,send us your artwork too if you are confident with your skills,banner of any sizes are accepted!

[DKP Announcement] Ask Cynthia Segment ! Ask anything about Kpop

Ask Cynthia Segment !

This is a special segment for all DKP readers,take this opportunity to ask anything about KPOP or related to KPOP.If you have any doubts about anything, Cynthia(our staff) would try her best to answer all of the questions asked by our readers.

Do not be shy to ask !

There are some rules that readers must follow:

1.Ask only about KPOP.
2.Do not ask unrelated topics.
3.Do NOT spam.
4.No asking personal stuffs or questions which are sensitive(Which can start a war).
5.Please respect other artists/groups and no bashing.

*If any of you did not follow the rules/ by any means violate them/staffs found the question out of topic,unsuitable and offending, we will ignore your question and you won't be getting your answer.

*Please do give Cynthia some time to answer your question as she is still attending school,she will try her best to answer your questions A.S.A.P.We hope you understand.She will try her best to answer.Please also do understand that not all answers are 100% true, we answer by proofs and news(sometimes news are not 100% accurate).Thank you for understanding.

Please Click here to ask your question: ASK CYNTHIA

Please click the link above and ask your question there, not ask in the comments section !

Please use this wisely.

-Staffs of DKP

Season greetings and have a nice holiday ~

[DKP Announcement] Important announcement ! About our post !

Dear Readers !

This is an important announcement, Due to important examinations...our staffs are currently busy studying for the exams.4 of our active staffs will be sitting for the examimations starting from Nov 18- til Dec 8.Some of the other staffs are busy with school and will only be active in the evening.

Staffs who are taking exams: Kacey(Admin),Jaz,Estee, Ddadar

We would like to apologize as we could not post and update as fast during the exam period.We are so sorry, but we will try our best to update this site as soon as possible.I hope readers will understand and be patient.Our music shows videos will be as usual for Fri,Sat & Sun.

Thank you for your consideration !

P/S:We would also like to wish good luck to all SPM and STPM candidates ! (I am also one of them). ;).

-DKP Staffs-

[DKP Gifts] K Pop Wallpapers for download and Happy New Year!

Congratulations to Kim Craze for winning the first place in the banner designing competition!

CHIOnews came in 2nd while Jheane Cruz came in third followed by Janine Alcantara!

Kim Craze,CHIOnew and Jheane Cruz are now our blog's official designers according the results of the voting poll.Many thanks to Janinie Alcantara for participating in the contest and we really appreciate your hard work!

As announced,we have set up an official wallpapers thread for our official designers to post up their artworks to share with our blog's readers from time to time.

Of course you have the right to make a request for the wallpapers of your favourite artists,but first of all,you must be an active reader here,meaning to say that you leave comments on our blog's posts frequently.Anonymous' requests won't be fulfilled!

Below are the wallpapers designed by our blog's designers,please say thank you if you are taking out,right click and enlarge the wallpapers,then click save as to download the wallpapers!

You can request for your favourite artists for wallpapers too if you are an active commenters on our blog,please say thank you if you are taking the wallpapers out!

Right click to enlarge the wallpapers and save it for the best resolution!
Kim Craze promised a few regular readers for making them a few avatars and a wallpaper,the wallpaper and avatars are as below!

Jheane Cruz
Jheane Cruz

Jheane Cruz


Kim Craze

If you think that you are good in designing,you can share you artworks with us too,just send your artworks to!

Please say thank you if you are taking out the wallpapers!

Fill in this form to request!

Designer:Kim Craze,Jheane or ChiOnew?
Image URL (If Available):

Designers might take a few days to fulfill your requests!
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