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[Cyworld] Heechul spent his White Day with?


2010.03.15 16:45

Title : Birthday party

Because of my oversea schedule so Hongki birthday had been celebrated in advanced[1] (-┏)
What, it's Hongki birthday..but it had to match with my schedule..
Since Geunseok came with a big candy box

Me : Yah we're not kids anymore to suck somekind of candy like thisㅡㅡ

Geunseok : Hyung today is White Day~

All : (-┏)

It's White Day..
I have never once spent Valentine Day or White Day with a girlfriend..

It rained all day long and us guys' dark-clouds-like expression

Ah..damn I dont know what to say (-┏)

From the left in the picture

Mighty Mouth's Sangchu (this is the first time he has a gloomy mood like that)

F.T Island's Jonghoon (seems like to cry)

Jang Geunseok (His two fingers' γ shape seem like to poke in your two eyes)

Kim Heechul (is waiting for only the birthday cake)

Epik High's Mithra (looks like about to beat someone)

F.T Island's Hongki (the most excited one)

Might Mouth's Shorry (he thought there would be a lot of jokes since there were only guys)

The TRAX's Jungmo (in the middle of making a poktanju[2])

Natsun who took this photo (he just show off his Iphone)

Actually I had brought along my camera which was one of my gift
But since I cant adapt myself to the modern technology and dont know how to use it so I gave up after just clicking the shutter

[1] Hongki said his birthday is Feb 6th in Lunar calendar so his bday will change every year and this year it will be in March 21st in Western calendar but since Heechul will have SS2 in Malaysia so they held the party in advanced.
[2] poktanju is a boilermaker, usually made by pouring or dropping a shot of whiskey into a glass of beer. Sometimes soju, wine, tequila or some other available hard liquor is substituted for the whiskey.

2010.03.15 19:00
Title : Perm

Not long ago I came to the hair salon to cut my hair
I myself was ready so after came back from Shanghai the next day I came to the hair salon
But once I sat on the chair inside the hair salon I changed my mind
Me : Ah wait! Just get my hair perm
SunOh Teacher : Huh? Why again~
Me : It's pity if I cut it ㅋㅋ
SunOh Teacher : Many people cut their hair;;
Me : Ah if so (I will) hate cutting my hair moreㅋㅋㅋㅋ just perm ㄱㄱ

That's how the hair style like Cheon Jiho in "Chuno" is done

2010.03.15 18:55
Title : Very high-definition video

Yesterday when taking the photos there were only 3 of us so we had tried dozens of time
Since I gave up (taking photo) so I just recorded a video clipㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But why the pictute is so red like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Seems like I can't do anything since I even dont know how to adjust the light ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Since I'm the style of not reading the instruction so once I open the cap I throw away it (camera) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ah I had failed since this cant be edited by PTS ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
While the other people use dica
[3] to take HQ photo and upload to their minihompy
I'm the only one who cant deal with it so I just use my cellphone to take (photo) and upload them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Anyway those who know PTS let's make it beautiful and upload them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[3] dica = digital camera
OK, a little explanation for the clip, as Heechul said he doesnt know how to use the dica to take photo so he use it to record a video clip instead. And the reason why 3 of them acted like they were taking photo (counting 1 to 3, doing aegyo, pausing for about 1 second) because heechul said it'll be the chance for fans who know PTS make captures from the vid, edit those caps to be beautiful and post them...thus it will look like the 3 had actually taken photos, not just captures from a video (OMG, I'm laughing so so hard right now)

Credits: 김희철 미니홈피
thanks ❧ y σ υ for the shout out
translated by

may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

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