Kara, "Thank you for the female artist award!"
Kara Kang Jiyoung "I'm so happy for winning an award"
The 16th Korean Entertainment Arts Award opened at the SungNam Art center Opera House on the 3rd.
Being judged by the Korea Entertainment Arts Association, it has been the 16th year since this award show has taken place, and this year it has been hosted by Kim ByungChan and Ji SooHee as there were 25 categories with many contenders and fabulous special performances.
Comedy award, artist award, Tv host award, radio host award, Impressive performance award, imaginative award, choreography award, adult artist award, and group artist award and other various categories have been given out, and this show will be broadcast via InetTV.
source: http://bntnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popu...p;mode=sub_view
source: http://bntnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popu...p;mode=sub_view
translations by thebuddybud @ Karaholic.com
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