Due to their busy and hectic schedule, the T-ara members are lately experiencing lack of sleep. But which member was affected too much? Well, it seems to be leader Eunjung.
During an episode of SBS' Strong Heart, Eunjung cracked up the audience by sharing her personal hardship. But what caused the laughter? It seems that because of lack of sleep, Eunjung fell asleep.. in a toilet cubicle.
She explained "well usually we get enough hours of sleep but sometimes we only have 2 hours of sleep. The other members seem to be taking it well, but I fell asleep inside a cubicle once. "
Hyomin has also commented "well, Eunjung really has weird habits. She can sleep anywhere and anytime. One-time we were in the van talking and suddenly we didnt notice she was already sleeping." She continues "when she was sleeping at the toilet, we had no idea where she was. So we kept searching the whole building for our leader. Suddenly our staff member said she fell asleep inside the cubicle."
Eunjung responded, "Honestly, I fell asleep because I was so tired. But the seat was so comfortable and I didnt even smell any bad odors."
Cr: Newsen + SBS
Translation: *YANiPOPO* @ tiaradiadem.com
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