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[News] 2PM Wooyoung closes his Cyworld


Original article =

2PM 우영, 갑작스런 미니홈피 탈퇴 ‘재범 복귀와 관련?’

미니홈피 탈퇴에 관한 정확한 이유는 현재까지 밝혀지지 않은 상태.

하지만 이날 공교롭게도 24일 재범의 거취에 대한 JYP엔터테인먼트의 공식입장 발표가 있을 것이라는 보도가 연이어 나온 터라 팬들 사이에서는 "우영의 미니홈피 탈퇴가 재범과 연관이 있는 것이냐"는 추측까지 나오고 있다.

소속사 측은 이와 관련해 "사실무근"이라는 공식 입장을 밝혔다.

English Translation =

2PM's Wooyoung has abruptly deleted his Cyworld minihomepage and has been arousing much curiosity amongst the fans.

It's been revealed that Wooyoung deleted his Cyworld
on the 20th. He had always left short messages in his diary as a way to communicate with his fans. The reason for his Cyworld leave has yet to be revealed.

Coincidentally on the same day, it was falsely reported that
JYP Entertainment would be having a press conference set for the 24th that would explain Jaebum's situation. Fans have been wondering whether this could have anything to do with Wooyoung's cyworld. "What if Wooyoung left Cyworld because of news regarding Jaebum?"

Regarding the whole press conference fiasco, the company has stated that the rumors are all "groundless."

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NOTE: Wooyoung deleted his Cyworld BEFORE news regarding Jaebum broke out.

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