Could anyone please check and translate this?
"안녕하세요 제이튠캠프입니다.
팬 여러분들의 많은 관심과 의견 감사합니다.
기발하고 좋은 이름들 중 MBLAQ 멤버들과 회사의 의견을 더하여
팬클럽 명이 '에이플러스'로 확정되었음을 알려드립니다.
에이플 여러분들!
앞으로 MBLAQ에게 최고의 파트너, 그리고 포근한 안식처가 되어주셨으면 합니다.
오마이갓 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
If I'm not mistaken, I think they decided the official Fanclub name as "A-plus" (pronounced as "Eyipeul").
I really wanna know the meaning behind it. Now I can just guess it's about the members' blood type, they're all A.
So us fans are A+? Well, I like it like that. kekeke Have to find more details though.
- agogo @ soompi
translation by emeraldynekim@soompi :
Hi Jay is the jTunes camp.
Fans will appreciate the many interests and opinions.
Resourceful and a good name among the members and the company's comments in addition MBLAQ
The fan club people 'A-Plus' has been confirmed as will be known.
Eyipeul everybody!
We MBLAQ the best partner, and want you to be a warm haven.
announcements at MBA :
Hey everyone at MBA!
I checked the official Daum Cafe for MBLAQ, and it's been confirmed that the official name for MBLAQ's fanclub is 'A plus' (에이플러스)
I believe that it was derived from the fact that all members are blood type A.
Hope we'll all take pride in our new name ^0^
- MBA Staff
sr : jj.kimbap@MBA + beztiz + agogo@soompi
Shared by:Omona
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