KBS 2TV's 'Gag Concert' made a statement about 2PM's member Park Jaebum and has been garnering the interest of fans.
Airing on the 22nd, a corner in the Gag Concert titled "The world that makes me sad" gives gag performances with the basic story line of either a drunken male or female being caught by the police and describing his or her situation.
On this particular episode, a drunken female, Heo Anna, exclaimed "My heart hurts. My oppa said that he loved me but he's gone away to America. Jaebum oppa, please come back! Without you, 2PM is only 1:59 PM." She received a hot reaction from the crowd.
Following this statement, Park Sung Kwang stated "Jaebum* is working hard and singing in Korea. 'What can I do?~ What should I do," making the audience fall into laughter.
*note: Jaebum is another Korean singer that sang the song "What can I do?"
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