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[NEWS]091026 Mir's Message !


09.10.26 01:44

The event has ended!!!!
Hello!!!It’s Mir!!!!!
Did you guys pass the day by pleasantly ~ +_+!!!!??
I was really busy today and had no free time,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Throughout the hectic day I was thinking about the promise we’d made the fans!!!!
As soon as we got home we skipped bathing and sat down and started the event!!!
Originally it was just gonna be me, but it was so fun the others joined in.
We ended up calling six fans ~ +_+!!
Seungho hyung has recieved calls from fans and recieved Doongdoongi hyung’s call again ~ *_*;;;
번호가 2개라며,,,It was so wondeful,,!!
Well originally it was supposed to be five people, but for Doongdoongi hyung it was one more person and we did it to the end!!
The fans gave us a lot of enjoyment, , we recieved a lot of witty calls and it completely cured us of our fatigue!!!hehe
Doongdoongi hyung tried calling 10 people, but no one picked up,,,
It’s because of the tension when one rises to fame, that’s how it is,,,;;
Anyway!!To all the fans we called today, thank you!!!
It was brief and ended quicky, but in the future we’ll do lots of fun events like this!!
I want to be among you all,,hehehe
Also, to our fans who came to Inkigayo today to watch us, thank you,,ㅠㅠ
It’s gotten really cold,,ㅠㅠ Since the cold is spreading a lot these days, everyone please take care not to catch a cold!!!
To our fans that are always supporting us, thank you!!*bowing*!!!


Credits to : mblaq cafe@daum ll + G_Luv@soompi + translation: Eunminlove , ABSOLUTE MBLAQ , MiRJoOn(article), Mandeedee@MBLAQ Power International Forum

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