On the cable channel MBC every1, 2AM went on the set of 'Infinity Girls Season 2' to give a one-on-one lesson on singing ballads.
As 2AM gave a demonstration of their ballad singing, each showed an entertaining improvisation of their individual talents. They were praised by the staff on set for their enthusiasm.
During the show, in order for the Infinity Girls to fully grasp the concept of expressing emotion while singing ballads, they each used this in kiss scene parodies.
Solbi and Jokwon parodied 'Queen Seon Duk', while Kim Na Young and Seulong parodied 'Lovers in Paris'.
Also Jung Juri and Jinwoon parodied the kiss scene between Jung Eum and Ji Hoon in the popular sitcom 'High Kick Through the Roof'.
May be taken out with full credits. There shouldn't be any addition or removal to the credits.
CREDITS : ntn.seoul(SOURCE), micky885 @ 2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)