"When celebrating birthdays or chatting with fans on Twitter, with the android phone, it reduces much inconveniences", Sunye said.
On the interview with the Wonder Girls on 9th March, their conversation included terms like "applications" and "directory manage", and from time to time, they mentioned about the different functions available in the android phones. 2 months ago, the Wonder Girls were invited by Sony Ericsson to endorse the latest Android phones, and from then, they have been using these phones.
The Wonder Girls have been using laptops to access Twitter and Facebook during their performace period in US, in order to upload photos, videos and to communicate with the fans. Yubin mentioned," During out performance period in US, often we encounter problems uploading our videos and photos. With these phones, we can take photos with it and upload the photos immediately".
When being asked about the most frequently-used application, Sunye mentioned MSN and dictionary, Hye Lim said applications with chinese content, and Yeeun used the phone the most.
Regarding the question about the ease-of-usage of the android phones, Yubin expressed," People of our age have much interest in handphones, so there will not be much difficulty using it." Sunye mentioned," In the beginning, we were unable to get used to the functions of the phone. After getting used to it, it is very convenient".
{source: ent.mop.com}
{trans: cofemix@wgspec}
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