Planet 905 stated in a press release Thursday that the group is featured on the billboards for skin care brand Wuttisak which is placed on several high rises, bus stops, subway stations and several locations in the popular Siam Square in Bangkok.
The band was appointed the new faces of Wuttisak in late January and they visited the country to attend a press conference, commercial and billboard shoot. Over 100 media outlets turned up for the press conference.
Planet 905 went onto explain that the group was handed the title of 'New Asian Stars' after the billboards were revealed in the highly populated areas of the country.
T-Max, composed of members Kim Joon, Shin Min-chul and Park Yoon-ha, made their debut in 2007 with their first single album "Blooming."
They boomed into the music industry after releasing their song "Paradise" in the soundtrack for last year's smash hit TV series "Boys Over Flowers" and are currently preparing to release their studio album during the latter half of the year.
Member Kim Joon also appears as a regular on KBS' variety show “Invincible Baseball Team” and has been set to star in a Korea-Japan co-produced drama tentatively titled "The Love of Pygmalion."
Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
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