SBS's new Monday/Tuesday drama ‘Oh! My Lady’(Writer Goo Sunkyung, Director Park Youngsoo)'s main character Choi Shiwon revelation of his abs in the preview has become, and is holding onto, the number 1 searched topic on photo sites and is being predicted to become very popular.
Following ‘Pick the Stars/Stars Falling from the Sky’, the first broadcast of ‘Oh! My Lady’ will air on the 22nd and it is about a newbie ajjumma manager training a rough pretty boy and is a drama overall about the success generation of the Korean ajjumma.
On the 8th, at the end of ‘Pick the Stars/Stars Falling from the Sky’ and ‘Jaejoongwon’, they revealed the preview which displayed Choi Shiwon's abs together with Chaerim's spirted determination. The preview gained hot interest and at the moment ‘Oh! My Lady’ is the number 1 searched topic on different photo sites.
PD Lee Junghum, who directed the preview, said “We added absurbity and comedy into the preview to work out the mystery and reveal the truth about top stars.” and he added “I'd like it if the a lot of people would tune in to watch and if the audience could watch it as it is airing on TV.”
‘Oh! My lady’ will feature Chaerim, Choi Shiwon as well as Lee Hyunwoo, Park Hanbyul, Moon Junghee and others.
뉴스팀 김명신 기자 sin@hankyung.com
Credits: Jihee or gomdori @ Sj-world.net
(You can decide which one you want to credit back to :3 )
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