I saw 2PM Junsu, Nichkhun, Big Bang Kwon Jiyong, Se7en, Park Hanbyul, Lee Hyuksu, and the 2NE1 coordi (yanggeng)! I had heard that they came here to hang out but seeing them in person was so amazing They were all so cool looking. Prince Nichkhun was extremely cute. Kwon Jiyong and Junsu were so hot… They were very friendly and close looking. They bowled for a really long time… Se7en and Park Hanbyul were just holding onto each other the whole time. They were all so close!
#2 2010.3.24
Today must be my lucky day or something! It was around 11 PM, I went down to Apkujeong’s bowling alley. I went there for the first time and saw 2PM Nichkhun with some girls bowling! About an hour later, there was a whole group formed! Big Bang’s G Dragon, 2PM Junsu, Se7en, Park Hanbyul, Lee Hyuksi, 2NE1’s coordi. I was so surprised, thought I was going to faint.
Nichkhun, Junsu, and G Dragon sat together and talked for about 10 minutes, then Junsu, GD, and Junsu’s friend, and 2NE1’s coordi formed a team and went to bowl~ Junsu got a strike and started screaming and hand shaking everyone, it was nice to watch. Most of their friends had a gyopo feel, they were mostly using English.
Se7en and Park Hanbyul, and Park Hanbyul’s friend just sat and talked the whole time… Lee Hyuksu was walking back and forth and mingling. It was cool!
I went to a bowling alley in a designer club. I recognized Nichkhun right away because he had NICH KHUN written on the back of his shirt. He was bowling with some girls, and then 2PM Junsu and Big Bang Kwon Jiyong came. I think I saw Lee Hyuksu too. Park Hanbyul and Se7en came also. It was hard not to notice because they looked like they were having so much fun. ^^
Credits: hazyfiasco (trans) | kdrama_queen @ 2oneday.com
Taken from: ibigbang.wordpress.com
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