Today, Korea Times tweeted about what we have all been speculating. Beast will, in fact, be performing at the 2010 Korean Music Festival aka Hollywood Bowl on May 1, 2010. A few days ago, kB2UTYs had everyone going crazy with a post mentioning Beast and the annual Kpop festival on Bestiz. Unfortunately, there was no official word, so it was difficult for B2STRising (or anyone, for that matter) to confirm the boys appearance.
Today, however, with Korea Times' tweet, we have a very reliable source and in a week's time, these Beastly rookies will be setting foot upon American soil. For all the B2UTYs attending KMF, be sure to yell extra loud and cheer with extra excitement for our favorite Boys of EAst Standing Tall!
Reporting by lindadoll.@B2STRising
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