Yoon Doojoon
Beast's good-looking leader Yoon Doojoon. Like his outstanding looks, he's accepted by the viewers for his talents in both the music industry and many variety programs, but is the habit he wants to put away his sleeping habits?
Jang Hyunseung
Beast's vocalist Jang Hyunseung. More than anyone else, he loves and cares for his younger sister as he's known to be a heartwarming member. When asked to pick one person amongst his members, he said, "If it was him, I feel like I can leave my sister to him, but that's only if a situation like that came..."
Yong Junhyung
Also known as 'Tsunomon', Beast's one-of-a-kind rapper Yong Junhyung revealed his shocking hairstyle for their comeback which brought a lot of attention. He said, "In my farewell to my teenager fans, I have decided to do through a transformation. And the nickname 'Tsunomon'..."
Yang Yoseob
Yang Yoseob, who's not only Beast's main vocalist but also the one who gains attention because of his young-looking face and his cuteness; he has transformed into a man now. "Preparing for this album, I had to go through fittings for our outfits which shows one arm completely, giving it an unbalanced look. So..."
Lee Kikwang
Beast's vocalist Lee Kikwang. With his shocking outfit, fans began calling him 'Pelvic Bone Kikwang', "You ask if I'm embarassed? Hrm...aside from that, I'm more worried about the viewers..."
Son Dongwoon
Beast's magnae vocalist Song Dongwoon. As he just turned twenty, he tossed away his romantic hopes of walking around campus at school as he will be focusing on his activities as a singer. "I go to orientations for incoming students as events...sniff!"
. . .
A whole different story of stars, The Star (www.the-star.co.kr), is to reveal by members the manly and chic charms of Beast who has transformed perfectly into 'beaslty idols.' Also, on the 25th, an HD interview of all six men along with a reply event will be revealed
CREDITS: thestar.chosun (SOURCE); SEOULFOOOD@B2ST Rising (TRANS)
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