
The second single "LEAP FOR DETONATION" that everyone has been very much anticipated is going to start promotion soon with a new style.
About this second single, all nine members will have some transformation, will let each member to emphasize on each of their own personality, is a project composed by the Brave Brothers and V.O.S's Choi Hyun Joon. This single will focus more on the manly side, and a sensative side. The cover showed leather jackets and Mohican hairstyles, which brings out a more manly image, the songs will be released on March 25th at 12:00am, please show many support!
---- ZE:A [Children of Empire] 2ND SINGLE [LEAP FOR DETONATION] ----
- Songs, MV release date: 2010.03.25 12AM on major music sites
- Single release date: 2010.03.25 in all cd stores in Korea
translation: yunchikan
source: daum cafe
credit: ZE:A CITY www.zeacn.com
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