2NE1 Minji
Original message:
갑자기 이 사진을보고있으니 ㅠ크리마스가 약간그리워지네ㅠ펭귄걸이었는데ㅠ
In English:
Suddenly wanted to see this photo ㅠI long for Christmasㅠ I was a ‘penguin girl’ㅠ
Original message:
안녕…? 안녕…! 안녕…^^ 짧지만 참 오묘하다~
In English:
Hello…? Hello…! Hello…^^ Although short, it is profound~
Original message:
믹스테입 자켓 촬영중 커밍수운 베베~!!!
In English:
Mixtape jacket photoshoot coming soon baby~!!!
Lollipop Girl
Original message:
다들 즐거운 저녁 보내고 있어요? 대성군이 여러분에게 할말이 있다고 하네요~ 여러분을 향한 마음을 표현한 사진이랄까요? ㅎㅎ 너를 향한 나의 마음은 달콤하고 부드러운 롤리팝♡
In English:
Is everyone having a good evening? Looks like Daesung has something to say to everybody~ Everyone, what do you think about this front on shot? ㅎㅎ I think of you like a sweet lollipop♡
Original message:
여러분을 위한 오늘의 두번째 사진 나갑니다~ 이 사진의 포인트는 우아한 다리의 자태…라고 할까요? 저런 포즈 아무나 할 수 있는게 아니죠 ㅎㅎ
In English:
Everyone, today’s second picture has arrived~ The point of this picture is to show the posing of his legs…? It looks like he could do any pose ㅎㅎ
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