Taeyeon was voted first place as the SNSD member who is most likely to continue waiting for their boyfriend who entered the military until the end.
In relation to the newly released movie "Dear John," cinema-special online site, Cine 21, conducted a survey "Which SNSD member do you think will wait for their boyfriend who entered the military?"
Taeyeon was voted first place with the overwhelming 48.2% of the votes. The voters commented, "I have a feeling she'll wait for him until the end," and "I think Taeyeon will be loyal to her boyfriend."
After Taeyeon, Sooyoung won 2nd with 19.1% of the votes, and Tiffany was 3rd with 16.6%. Behind the three, Yoona received 16.1%.
Note: Korean males are required to have two years of military service as a citizen.
translated by typicalharu @ ssf
Taeyeon does a surprise drum performance
SNSD's Taeyeon performed a surprise drum performance on Chong-ro street.
Taeyeon displayed a drum performance on the 11th at Jong-Kak of Chong-ro 2nd st, Seoul. This day's event was during the shooting of KBS 2TV "Win Win" where Taeyeon is a MC.
When Taeyeon unexpectedly appeared in the streets, the surrounding areas became crowded with the people who wanted to see her. Approximately 300 citizens crowded the set to see Taeyeon of the national girl group SNSD. Moreover, Taeyeon received lots of cheers from the surrounding citizens when she preformed her drum performance in spite of the cold weather and the heavy snow fall.
translated by seohyun_is_best @ ssf
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