Hello, Hottests.
I used to work as the sound engineer for a company and recently finished up working as the freelance sound staff for SBS and KBS. The reason I am writing this is to speak of 2PM.
I've seen 2PM since their debut. The person that put the mics on the boys during their M-Countdown debut stage was me and I have worked with them various times in music broadcasts.
Last September, I have nothing to say regarding Jaebum's leave. He was one of the members that I thought especially preciously of and cried the day of his leave. I was able to meet with the members a few times privately after the controversy because our companies have worked closely together.
I have heard various things these past 5 months. I have kept my mouth closed on the matter but I feel like I must say at least something now because everyone seems so lost and confused with the rumors pouring out lately.
I guess I should speak with the rumor regarding Khun and the other members. The rumor that the members are colliding with each other in opinion is 100% just a rumor. There's even a rumor about Khun being outcast by the group but it is all not true.
When you see 2PM, you begin to wonder how they can be so respectful of one another as brothers that do not share an ounce of blood.
On a music program, there was an occurrence where the mic's cables weren't connected. We were waiting to exchange the mics but 2PM was forced to rehearse with one less mic. Khun immediately took off his mic and gave it to Wooyoung. The mics were according to the order of standby's ending. Wooyoung had come late and was not given a mic. Taecyeon was watching this until he tried to give Khun his own mic. Shortly, he was stopped by Chansung, stating, "Hyung, you have the chorus later, you need it," and gave his own mic to Khun instead.
During the rehearsal, Taecyeon eventually took off his mic and held it for Chansung as soon as his part was finished. Chansung sang into the mic that was held before him.
At the time, other groups that were lacking mics would have the member with the least parts give up the mic. 2PM was the only group that would rotate their mics in order to let every member sing.
There was even a time when Junho had made a mistake during his ending performance and hurt his leg. Because of the worrying members, Junho fixed his hurt face expression and told them that it was okay but the members would have none of it. Eventually, Junho answered honestly, "Yeah, it does kind of hurt a bit."
The members finally relaxed a bit and made a few jokes, saying, "Yeah, that's normal," or "You're not a terminator." It was a small gesture to help injured Junho feel better. As Junho got up with shaky legs, Khun helped Junho back to the waiting room.
That's how much the members loved each other.
You can imagine how hard the members must have felt after Jaebum left. A few of the members would all speak of Jaebum and their feelings whenever we would meet privately, Khun and Wooyoung especially.
Jaebum was a special figure to Khun, having relied on one another in a foreign land during their trainee days.
Wooyoung always had a shy personality when meeting new people and was unable to get close with the other trainees. The first person to extend his hand out to him was Jaebum. Maybe because of that, Wooyoung relied on Jaebum more so than on the other hyungs.
Although it was a hard situation for all of the members, the members worked hard to take care of those two members, fully knowing that the void in their hearts were bigger.
Please, don't criticize the boys because of rumors that lack evidence.
There have been rumors that JYPE has held a meeting regarding Jaebum's return.
The meeting is true, however, I cannot tell you about the contents of the meeting. I do know that a solo debut and a complete withdrawal is not true.
Please, do your best in whatever you are doing now.
Do not believe anything. Do not listen, see, or believe in anything until the moment Jaebum's feet step on Korean land.
May not be taken out with full credits.
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