It will be the first time in 7 years that the male and female representative sexy stars Rain and Lee Hyori perform on stage in the same time period.
It is planned that Lee Hyori will be releasing her 4th album late-March and Rain will also be releasing his special album early-April. With news that the 2 mega stars will be releasing new albums 1~2 weeks apart, fans are unable to contain their excitement.
Rain also talked about it when he met up with reporters at an event he was attending on 22nd February, “I heard that I would be promoting in the same time period as Lee Hyori. It has been 7 years since it last happened. I’m excited too. As much as time has flown, each of us will be back with great performances.”
The previous time the 2 stars promoted together in the same time period was in the earlier half of 2003. Lee Hyori was promoting the 2nd song from her 1st album and Rain was promoting ‘How to avoid the sun’ from his 2nd album.
With the 2 mega stars promoting in the same time period, the synergy effect was just amazing. One of the more impressionable scene will be their special stage at one of the movie award ceremonies. The 2 had put up a tango performance together. They also met again on SBS Family Outing in October 2008.
Much anticipation as to whether the king or the queen will reign the Kpop circle.
S: sportshankook
credits: Kbites
credits: Kbites
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