2AM Jo Kwon surprisedly revealed a photo from Hong Kong Trip.
On February 20th 7:31PM, he wrote this in his me2day account saying, "Hong Kong ㅎㅎ I really loved it^^*" and uploaded a picture of him in a bright, but nightly background and walking around with a smile.
Right now, currently, Jo Kwon and Brown Eyed Girls Gain is in virtual couple from a show called MBC We Got Married, and because of the show, on the 13th, they took a trip to Hong Kong for 3 nights and 2 days.
During the trip, Jo Kwon and Gain participated in a Hong Kong Parade. Various mascots representing different nations participated in the parade for one of China's biggest springtime holidays - Chunjul. Amongst them, Jo Kwon and Gain were also present, representing Seoul, Korea.
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