1. Do not lose the heart you originally have.
2. Do not be self-centered.
3. Be confident.
4. Be filial to parents.
5. Do not lose your arrogance.
6. Always think that you're an international star.
7. Do not engage in violent acts.
8. When pranked by someone, must take revenge.
9. Always be humble.
10. Watch adult films in moderation.
11. Accept those bad comments with an open heart and then quickly forget about them.
12. The past is the past. Forget all the bad memories.
13. Have faith in myself when solving problems.
14. Do not bear with unjustifiable comments.
15. Do not feel shy about crying or tearing.
16. Do not be afraid of new challenges.
17. Do not forget that you're a singer.
18. Always come out with better music.
19. Read more books to increase knowledge.
20. Rap with confidence.
21. Do not forget about the young self.
22. During broadcast, entertain more by showing off my awesome body.
23. Do my best even when acting.
24. Do not hold back the tears when you feel like crying.
25. Do not voluntarily be dumb.
26. When you go beyond Korea, stay the same.
27. When opportunity comes, do not let it slip away.
28. Become someone who gets a lot of blessings.
29. Become a person who always has a goal.
30. Give your best to move forward without regretting what you did in the past.
31. Do not undergo too many changes.
32. Give it all to become a "Look Out For Me" idol.
33. Remember that your songs are powerful and resounding.
34. Date your boyfriend in a dignified manner.
35. Always remember that all men are the same.
36. Date someone who can think in your shoes.
37. Date a person who can give you happiness.
38. Date a guy who makes you feel "love at first sight".
39. Drinking too much coffee is bad for health. So, drink moderately.
40. Your figure is already very good so one day before any award ceremony, don't starve myself.
41. A perfect stage is good but when the weather is cold, wear a coat.
42. Three meals a day is a must.
43. On the way to work, catch some sleep during free time.
44. Use eye-liner moderately as it may harm the eye.
45. Eat some food in the car during traffic jams.
46. Do not go for double eye-lid surgery.
47. In the dorm, do not put on any eye make-up.
48. For the well-being of the eye, putting on eye-liner thicker than 3cm is prohibited.
49. Your fresh face is beautiful, you have to have faith.
50. must forget that Haedong cave bangs are just a myth.
51. Artist Ga-in! Do not forget that your drawing talent is the best!
52. Do not forget that you look prettiest when you smile.
53. Must not have love handles (in simple terms, get fat)
54. Apple-head hairstyle is the most suitable hairstyle.
55. Most attractive smiley eyes.
56. Really charming part of your voice is my medium tone.
57. Do not forget woman's most attractive part is their eye liner and beautiful legs.
58. There's a cute side and sexy side hidden in you.
59. Keep that arrogant charm.
60. Agree that the more you look at yourself, the more charming you find yourself.
61. Know that your culinary skills are first-class.
62. Be less careless.
63. Do not forget my violent habits.
64. Aegyo when you make a mistake during broadcasts.
65. Open my eyes when taking pictures.
66. Speak out more during broadcastings.
67. Don't forget to put on a taut face in front of your fans.
68. Control yourself towards fans' skinship.
69. Transform back into the conservative Ga-in.
70. Take care of fans frequently.
71. Treasure the precious gifts given by fans.
72. Must try to create commotion among Everlasting today
73. Take care of Everlastings.
74. Give some replies on Yoota.
75. Must leave a message at Cafe once a month.
76. While recording and saw some fans, must treat them well.
77. Update cyworld frequently.
78. When giving acceptance speech, shout 'Everlasting!' loudly.
79. Do not forget that Everlasting will always be with B.E.G.
80. Looking at you not even knowing your age.
81. Stop Jea (i suppose its the nickname for her is raccoon) from munching
82. After schedules, buy Narsha a can of beer.
83. Do not forget important people.
84. Prepare herbal medicine/drink for members.
85. Do not forget the cuteness and aegyo of a maknae.
86. Aegyo towards eonni.
87. Contact family members at least once a day.
88. Control the other members as the head of the household/dorm
89. Do not lock the bedroom door.
90. Contact schoolmates and classmates.
91. Do not treat Eonni like in the military.
92. Do not yell at Min Soo oppa.
93. Treat unnie well.
94. Don't speak informally to unnies when I'm sleeping....
95. Must know that EVERYDAY is precious.
96. When you're tired, Abracadabra will help fix it all.
97. Do not forget that B.E.G.= M.N.J.G.
98. Always go towards superior.
99. Don't leave this 100 rules aside.
100. No matter what, do your best as BEG.
Translation Cr.
Kor - Chi: BEGIRLSCN translation team
Chi - Eng: LuvGa-in & cassirina @ Ga-in International Forum + griffie @ BEG International Forum
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