7일 오후 서울 홍대입구역 주변을 찾은 2PM 팬클럽 회원들이 'FREE HUG'와 '따뜻하게 안아드려요'라는 문구를 들고 프리허그(free hug) 이벤트를 진행했다. 이날 재범의 팬들은 홍대입구역 주변을 지나는 시민들과 함께 프리허그를 하면서 "재범에게 따뜻한 응원을 보내주세요"라고 말을 전하며 재범의 복귀에 대한 응원의 메시지를 전했다.
On the afternoon of the 7th in Seoul at the subway exit of HongDae, members of 2PM's fanclub held a free hug event while holding signs with 'FREE HUG' and 'We'll give you a warm hug.' This day Jaebum's fans who were present at the HongDae exit shared free hugs with passing citizens and wanted to send messages of encouragement, "Please send warm encouragements to JaeBum."
CREDITS: UNION PRESS (SOURCE); tvxqbuzz7921 @ 2ONEDAY.COM (trans)
Fans are just great! Doing all of these. You can't control them if they want to do something for their idols. They didn't mind what others might think. Showing their love and support for Jaebum is totally priceless!!
posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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