Heechul’s Cyworld Photo Entry 2010.02.08
2010.02.08 19:05
Title : Baengsin
Everyday me who is lonely feel bored and just sleep with Heebum
So I got a kitty from parceling out
(to not make the same mistake like in the past with Champagneㅡㅡㆀ)
The kitty belongs to a breed called "Bengal"*
Since its leopard-pattern is very cool so it's quite noticeable and also...
The ransom will be great...(-┏)
In order to hoping the kitty will get along well with Heebum and grow up to be beautiful quickly...
I named it "Baengsin"** which has a good meaning
"To become the God of Bengal"
Although I had wavered between Donghae's reversed name "Haedong" and "Baengsin"
but no matter what people say I've determined it's "Baengsin" which is a name that I created and has a deep meaning
I dont know whether it's right to comparing like this...
but it seems that I understand why old people send their children away to marry and then raising pets
Because it's lonely...
* bengal cat here
** 뱅신 (Baengsin) 뱅갈의 신이 되어라 (to become the God of Bengal)
In other Heechul Cyworld related news...
The first song is Birthday by Haibwa
the second is Happy Birthday by Tabo
So, guess whose birthday is it in Korea right now? :'(
Credits: Heechul's Cyworld
Translation: evanesco @ sj-world.net
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