Dear visitors,you will find it a bit weird for me to share such an info on our blog,but i think that people should know some ways to build a successful blog.
I have started my blog in March last year,my first blog is not Daily K Pop News but it is SNSDMAS instead.As you know,i am a big fan of SNSD,so i started a SNSD blog to show my love towards the girls.
I updated my blog everyday,covering posts from day till night and my school results fell harshly from the top ten position to the last few.I was wondering why i posted more than other similar blogs but i can hardly obtain blog traffic.
Blog Traffic can be defined as a measurement to see the popularity of a blog and individual pages or sections within a site.So,i started to do some research on some strategies to have a successful blog.
Then i realised the importance of socialising.There are a few ways that can be applied to socialise.I am pretty sure that you have heard of Twitter and Facebook,they are quite popular among those who like to make friends online.
If you want to make good use of socialising sites to promote your site or a blog,you have to be agressive.You can't wait for people to add you up,you have to add those people who might be interested on your blog's topics.
For example,i am running a K Pop site,my visitors must be those who like K Pop very much,so i can find someone who are using K Pop stars as their profile picture on Facebook or Twitter.
If you find that this is not a way to find friends with the same interest,you can try another effective way too.For example,you are the owner of a soccer site,you can browse on Facebook for some stars such as Cristiano Ronaldo,i am pretty sure that you will find some fanpages of Ronaldo with a lot of fans there,try adding up those people there and i am sure that they will be interested to visit your blog!!
This is my first blogging tips to share here,i will continue to share more blogging tips here in the future,please do remember to visit for more updates!
Add us up on Twitter and Facebook!!
Written by Kacey @ Daily K Pop News
I have opened another tab on our navigation bar for blogger tips,please check it regularly for more updates on blogging tips!
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