Hyunah who is being known for her pelvic dance in her solo hit "Change" said on a variety program that she "lost 17kg since [she] was in elementary school" and everyone was surprised. After that, many pictures which compared her plump appearance and her current appearance surfaced on the Internet. Many people were interested about this natural diet that helped her lose weight.
During a broadcast she said, "I took the stairs instead of riding on elevators," but her secret to losing a lot of weight was to not eat foods that contained wheat flour. Hyunah avoided these kinds of food and she made it a habit to eat only a little yet frequently. Also, she didn't exercise lazily. She originally loved dancing ever since she was younger, so intensely practicing dance was extremely good exercise.
Meanwhile, Hyunah and 4minute along with BEAST promoted successfully in Taiwan. Hyunah is expected to continue her activities for "Change" with great speed.
Source: Sports Chosun
Translations Credit: chungalung@4-minute.com
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