In the new year, I hope everything works out well !! TT TT
Ah the time .. is very late ;; our practice for our follow up song ended late, so I’m writing this now …;;
Ah.. and thank you for the award .. it was something we didn’t expect and the situation is still unbelievable to us.. ^^;;
Even now it’s still hard to belive .. TT TT
And so we want to say it refreshingly and thank our 2PM’s parents that we didn’t get to thank !!
They gave us the world and even though it’s something that words can’t express, we thank you for raising us !! We love you ^^!
Also, our JYP staff who work hard for us !! You’re always working hard and we thank you again !
And Jin Young hyung who’s as happy as we are! Thank you ^^!! Also Na Myong hyung kekeke you’re someone that has to exist in our lives!
And Director Jo, our boss Jung Wook, our manager hyungs Joo Seobie hyung, Jin Chulie hyung, Min Jay hyung, we love you so much and thank you !!
And with the cold weather along with many events, our Hotties who endured them ! Thank you so much and we love you ^^
Lastly, Jaebum hyung !! I don’t know if you’ll see this, but since the day we came together as trainees as seven, the times we had with you hyung helped us as six member come this far today makes us happy, yet sad. We don’t know when that day will be, but we’ll promise to practice hard and show that 2PM hasn’t died when everyone looks at us!! So fighting!
Thank you.
Hello. This is JYPE.
We started the last day of 2009 with an award that we could not even imagine.
We think to hope that not just our members that were there but also those would watched through the broadcast can be with us in one heart for the joy of this award.
We truly thank everyone who loved Again&Again throughout this year.
Though he wasn’t able to be with us on stage we wish to share the joy of this award with our leader Jaebum goon who is always with us somewhere through his heart.
As we give thanks again for all the encouragement and love you’ve sent to us until now
We will do our best to repay it by working harder in the future and showing you a good image.
We request for a steady love in 2010
And we pray that 2PM and our members have a year filled with happiness and laughter.
Please be blessed in the new year.
Thank you.
Hello. This is JYPE.
We started the last day of 2009 with an award that we could not even imagine.
We think to hope that not just our members that were there but also those would watched through the broadcast can be with us in one heart for the joy of this award.
We truly thank everyone who loved Again&Again throughout this year.
Though he wasn’t able to be with us on stage we wish to share the joy of this award with our leader Jaebum goon who is always with us somewhere through his heart.
As we give thanks again for all the encouragement and love you’ve sent to us until now
We will do our best to repay it by working harder in the future and showing you a good image.
We request for a steady love in 2010
And we pray that 2PM and our members have a year filled with happiness and laughter.
Please be blessed in the new year.
Thank you.
CREDS: 2PM Hottest Daum FanCafe (source) & G-race @ 2OD (trans)
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