4 member boy group 2AM is back with their mini album ‘Even if I die, I can’t let you go’. Though they portrayed different characters through various programs in 2009, when it comes to performances they never fail to move us to tears. In only two days did they earn themselves the nick name of the “all-kill singers” by the Eumwon and Mobile Charts.
For 2AM, this album leaves that kind of meaning. After leaving their producer Park Jin Young who made their debut possible, they met producer Bang Shi Hyuk, and by doing this they’ve shed Park Jin Young’s colors/style and now have the responsibility of working under the name 2AM with a new style of music.
For 2AM’s leader Jo Kwon, “I’m happy that people are able to say “it’s 2AM’s style” when they hear us sing even though they’re songs produced not by Park Jin Young, but by different composers. By overcoming these musical changes, our harmonies have strengthened and the skills of us four individually as well.
Changmin says, “This album is an album for 2AM to find our style and to show how charming we are.” He explained, “Before, we focused on ballads only and we thought that in order to show that we can also sing other genres, we should cover other artists’ songs” and “This album has dance songs and songs with fast tempos in general and so we were able to show that (TN – that they could sing other genres besides ballads). At this point, my desire to show off my skills to exceed the level I am at now as an idol is prominent.”
Changmin entails his desire with, “I hope that 2AM will be recognized as a group with an artistic flair.” He added, “With this album, I think we’ve established an R&B Pop idol concept for ourselves.”
To fulfill a feeling of completeness in the album and its various genres, the album starts off with a genre-filled intro, the outro track leaving a sense of aliveness, and this feeling of completeness leaves the 2AM members satisfied.
Even from looking only at Eumwon Chart’s results, the title song ‘Even if I die, I can’t let you go’, ‘I’m sorry I can’t laugh for you’, and ‘For her’ are all at the top of the charts. The potential of an artist is not only shown through just downloading all of their songs. As they took a break from their singing activities for the last 10 months, they also focused on getting an image of a group with potential.
Jo Kwon says with confidence, “Although it may seem as though I’m bragging, we’re not afraid of singing along to instrumentals”. Netizens praise 2AM, pointing out that there’s no difference when listening to them sing live or listening to the CD track because their live performances are so perfect.
When a live performance is coming up, the night before they don’t even talk to each other. Their priority becomes turning on the humidifier and protecting their vocal chords. For them, it’s a responsibility to deliver the best performance with their best voices. More and more so, they seem to carry the weight of exceeding the limits entailed by being an idol. It’s like they lock their actions to our expectations and continue to try and exceed them. (TN - I think the original Korean is like a saying of some sort)
They say their dream is to “become national singers like g.o.d.” They hope to become a group whose songs are listened to and enjoyed by guys and girls alike. 3 years after their debut, they’re finally ready to shake up the music industry of 2010 with their skills.
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