SS501 came to Hong Kong to hold their concert, 500 fans welcome
[21:07] 2009.12.10
[on.cc Special News] Korea Boy Group SS501 arrived in Hong Kong this afternoon for preparation of this saturday's concert. 5 of them use Cantonese make their self introduction. The organizer presented a cake to pre-celebrate their success to the concert. 5 of them couldn't resist the temptation to try the cream. According to Kim Hyun Joong, they will rehearse for their concert tomorrow and hoping to perform in the best condition.
[on.cc Special News] Korea Boy Group SS501 arrived in Hong Kong this afternoon for preparation of this saturday's concert. 5 of them use Cantonese make their self introduction. The organizer presented a cake to pre-celebrate their success to the concert. 5 of them couldn't resist the temptation to try the cream. According to Kim Hyun Joong, they will rehearse for their concert tomorrow and hoping to perform in the best condition.
【on.cc專訊】 韓國男子組合SS501今午抵港,為周六舉行的演唱會做準備,逾五百歌迷到機場接機。其後在黃昏時舉行記者會,五子先用廣東話自我介紹,大會又推出蛋糕預祝演唱會成功,五子忍不住沾上忌廉試食。據金賢重表示,明天會為演唱會綵排,希望可以以最佳狀態演出。
Original Source: http://news.on.cc/ent/index.html?file=ncbrke00_20091210210721
Credit: (English translation) SS501UFO.blogspot.com
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SS501 was late and apologized in cantonese (18:53)
SS501 showing their skill in speech & singing in Press Conference
SS501 held a press conference after their arrival in Hong Kong. They'll have their PERSONA Concert in Hong Kong - Asia World Expo on 12 December 2009. SS501 arrived in Hong Kong International Airport at around 3pm. A lot of fans specially greet and welcome them at the arrival hall this afternoon. The Press Conference was originally scheduled at 5:30pm, however, SS501 was late for about 25 minutes. All 5 members were very polite and said "Sorry, we're late" in Cantonese as soon as they arrived in the Press Conference Venue.
Member, Park Jung Min indicated that he loved to watch Hong Kong Movies since he was a kid and he stated that he is going to sing Leslie Cheung's song, named "追" (Meaning: Chase) in Hong Kong Persona Concert. Leader Kim Hyun Joong said he knew there will be sales in many department stores and that made him felt very happy. This time, he would like to visit Lan Kwai Fong. Reporters in the press conference asked leader if he'll still visit Lan Kwai Fong as there'll be a lot of paparazzi over there. Leader replied that he'd not mind and it's good for SS501 if the reporters and the paparazzi go to take pictures of them, enlarge the photographs and post in the newspapers front page.
Member, Park Jung Min indicated that he loved to watch Hong Kong Movies since he was a kid and he stated that he is going to sing Leslie Cheung's song, named "追" (Meaning: Chase) in Hong Kong Persona Concert. Leader Kim Hyun Joong said he knew there will be sales in many department stores and that made him felt very happy. This time, he would like to visit Lan Kwai Fong. Reporters in the press conference asked leader if he'll still visit Lan Kwai Fong as there'll be a lot of paparazzi over there. Leader replied that he'd not mind and it's good for SS501 if the reporters and the paparazzi go to take pictures of them, enlarge the photographs and post in the newspapers front page.
Original Source: http://inews.mingpao.com/htm/INews/20091210/ma41853e.htm
Credit: yyy148@YT
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Credit: yyy148@YT
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Credit: (English translation) Charlotte @SS501UFO.blogspot.com
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Please repost with full credit
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