Translating some Wonder Girls mentions & excerpts from various Style Gala news reports, in a new post.
Wondergirls, Fahrenheit are the most popular
The Style Gala red carpet ceremony is always star-studded, & the 2009 edition was no less inferior. Although it is wintertime, many celebrities still competed in cosmetics, sexiness, trendiness & other styles to become the highlight of the day. Leading the way was the black-clad Tanya Chua, igniting the fans' enthusiasm. Soon after, Pace Wu's grandeur dress drew bursts of screaming. The mischevious SuperVC posed from head to foot, but the older reporters were evidently unmoved with the newcomers, successively turning their attention to Alex Fong, with the fans behind also vocal in their idol support. The evening's most popular appearances were by Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit & super-popular Korean group Wondergirls Although not gorgeous, the old reporters' non-stop camera flashes coupled with the fans' energetic screeches & countless waving lightsticks, wasn't the treatment other artistes managed to get. When Wondergirls rolled out the classic 'Nobody' signature moves & a cappella chorus, the crowd immediately descended into a scene of loud cheers & screams.
The Style Gala red carpet ceremony is always star-studded, & the 2009 edition was no less inferior. Although it is wintertime, many celebrities still competed in cosmetics, sexiness, trendiness & other styles to become the highlight of the day. Leading the way was the black-clad Tanya Chua, igniting the fans' enthusiasm. Soon after, Pace Wu's grandeur dress drew bursts of screaming. The mischevious SuperVC posed from head to foot, but the older reporters were evidently unmoved with the newcomers, successively turning their attention to Alex Fong, with the fans behind also vocal in their idol support. The evening's most popular appearances were by Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit & super-popular Korean group Wondergirls Although not gorgeous, the old reporters' non-stop camera flashes coupled with the fans' energetic screeches & countless waving lightsticks, wasn't the treatment other artistes managed to get. When Wondergirls rolled out the classic 'Nobody' signature moves & a cappella chorus, the crowd immediately descended into a scene of loud cheers & screams.
In Chinese:
超级盛典的红毯每次都星光熠熠,2009年的同样不逊色,虽然正值冬日寒天,各路明星还是争相扮靓,性感、潮流等各具风格成为当日一大看点。一袭黑裙率先出场的蔡健雅点燃了粉丝的热情,随后的吴佩慈高贵不失妩媚的礼服引来阵阵尖叫。而搞怪的果味vc虽然使出浑身解数摆pose,但是老记对新人的用心显然不为所动,纷纷对随后出场的方大同给予极高的关注度,粉丝也在身后大声为偶像呐喊。当晚人气最旺当属台湾偶像组合飞轮海和韩国超人气组合 wondergirls的出场,虽然并不十分华丽,但是有老记不停的闪关灯和关照,加上粉丝卖力的尖叫和无数灯牌的挥动,更是其他艺人难以得到的待遇。当 wondergirls摆出“nobody”的经典招牌动作并清唱副歌时,现场顿时陷入一片欢呼和尖叫声中。
超级盛典的红毯每次都星光熠熠,2009年的同样不逊色,虽然正值冬日寒天,各路明星还是争相扮靓,性感、潮流等各具风格成为当日一大看点。一袭黑裙率先出场的蔡健雅点燃了粉丝的热情,随后的吴佩慈高贵不失妩媚的礼服引来阵阵尖叫。而搞怪的果味vc虽然使出浑身解数摆pose,但是老记对新人的用心显然不为所动,纷纷对随后出场的方大同给予极高的关注度,粉丝也在身后大声为偶像呐喊。当晚人气最旺当属台湾偶像组合飞轮海和韩国超人气组合 wondergirls的出场,虽然并不十分华丽,但是有老记不停的闪关灯和关照,加上粉丝卖力的尖叫和无数灯牌的挥动,更是其他艺人难以得到的待遇。当 wondergirls摆出“nobody”的经典招牌动作并清唱副歌时,现场顿时陷入一片欢呼和尖叫声中。
"Nobody" is the hottest topic of the evening
Much-anticipated popular Korean group Wondergirls opened the SMG-MTV 2009 Style Gala with a festive 'Nobody' song-dance item. This is the biggest word-of-mouth tune in Asia, immediately exciting the audience & becoming the show's hottest performance. The stunning opening of Wondergirls's 'Nobody', the 5 girls' perfect patented rendition, impressed all & hooking many guests & spectators who were satiated by imitators into shouting out their satisfaction. At their December 1 concert, Wondergirls had sung many versions of 'Nobody', but fans still expressed their unfulfillment. At the Style Gala, they not only attempted a cappella during the red carpet cermony, but also opened the show itself with the song. Even Alex Fong, who was returning to the media area after winning a prize, couldn't help but to sing & dance a segment of 'Nobody.'
In Chinese:
备受期待的韩国超人气组合Wonder Girls以载歌载舞的《Nobody》拉开了2009步步高音乐手机SMG MTV超级盛典的帷幕,这首在亚洲传唱度最高的歌顿时让全场兴奋起来。作为本届盛典上最受关注的表演,Wonder girls的《Nobody》惊艳开场,五位女生用完美的原版演出打动全场,让很多只看过各路模仿山寨版的来宾和观众大呼过瘾。12月1日在上海开唱时,Wonder girls连唱了多个版本的《Nobody》,而歌迷还是大呼不过瘾。在超级盛典上,她们不但红毯清唱《nobody》,并以此歌为盛典开场,就连方大同在获奖后返回媒体区接受采访时,还禁不住又唱又跳了一段《Nobody》。
Source: http://ent.qq.com/a/20091203/000156.htm
Wondergirls: Memorable Shanghai concert, didn't expect fame
The 2009 MTV Style Gala was held on 7pm, December 2 at the Shanghai Theater. Popular Korean group Wondergirls accepted an interview backstage after collecting their award. The following is the recorded Q&A:
Host: Next up to interview with us are the Wondergirls.
WG: First of all, we are very honored, thank you everyone. To get this award today, very delighted, honored.
Host: Yesterday, we know Wondergirls held a concert in Shanghai, how was the atmosphere then?
WG: Yesterday's Shanghai concert was very good, & the most unforgettable for me was near the end, when the whole audience stood up to sing & dance along with us.
Question: Did you all ever think you would be so famous?
WG: We didn't expect such fame, very happy to have so many people liking 'Nobody'. We will work harder.
In Chinese:
Wonder Girls: 难忘上海演唱会 没想过会红
2009年度MTV超级盛典于12月2日晚19:00在上海大剧院举行。韩国人气组合Wonder Girls亮相颁奖后台接受采访,以下为采访实录:
主持人:下面来到我们采访间的就是Wonder Girls。
Wonder Girls:首先我们感到非常的荣幸,感谢大家。今天能得到这个奖项非常的高兴、荣幸。
主持人:昨天我们知道Wonder Girls在上海举行了演唱会,请问现场气氛怎么样?
Wonder Girls:昨天上海的演唱会气氛非常好,而且令我难忘的就是在快结束的时候,全场歌迷都站起来跟我们一起唱歌和跳舞。
Wonder Girls:我们没有预料到会这么的红,很高兴有这么多人喜欢《Nobody》,我们会更加努力的。
主持人:恭喜Wonder Girls。
Source: http://ent.sina.com.cn/y/2009-12-02/23212796044.shtml
translation: qoxie @soompi
Credits: wgspectacle
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