Originally from supermodel's Yoon Ji Oh was selected from Hotsun Baked Chicken 'Exclusive Model Selection Competition'. Out of the 3 winners, Yoon Ji Oh will continue to be Hotsun Baked Chicken spokesperson for the next 2 years.
Recently, Yoon Ji Oh also acted as lover with Son Ho Young in SBS E!TV 'Cho Kan Pan'.
Yoon Ji Oh partnered with 'Ji Hoo Sunbae' Kim Hyun Joong for the first time during the beginning of December. Doing their photoshooting in a studio at Kang Nam, both of them acted as lovers celebrating and dating during the white valentine day.
Kim Hyun Joong said: "This is the first time I have to shoot a CF with my partner upon meeting each other. It is quite refreshing. Miss Yoon Ji Oh performance was very great, enable the shooting to complete faster."
Yoon Ji Oh said: "Before the photoshooting, my heart was filled with desires to perform well. Caring and full of expression's Kim Hyun Joong, his male masculinity has moved my heart."
Credit: Newsen + (Chinese translation) 妃茵 @ triplestw.com + (English translation) SS501UFO.blogspot.com
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