
eDaily SPN Interview: Nov. 28, 2009
Q: What's it like to have your comeback after a year and 5 months?
It's been a while so it's really nerve-racking.
Q: What type of song is 'Wedding Dress'?
An R&B song. It's a sad song about watching the girl you love in a wedding dress, getting married to someone else. Teddy hyung has written lots of tracks, but I really liked this one so I pestered him to give it to me. (laughs)
Q: I heard you helped compose 'Wedding Dress'?
Teddy hyung made the track, I just put in the melody. I had been thinking of composing a little for a while now because if you contribute to the composition of the song, it helps you understand what type of voice and tone sound good with it. Teddy hyung suggested it so I took the opportunity.
Q: How did it feel to contribute to the composition?
It was like getting someone else's sketch and colouring it in the way I wanted to. It took a lot longer than just recording my voice to a song that had already been finished by someone else. I think this was because I tried lots of different things, like when you're colouring in.
Q: What kind of advice did Teddy give you?
He said that when I make the melody, I have to make it portray lots of different feelings so that whoever listens to it doesn't get bored. Aside from receiving advice, just watching him do his work was a huge help to me. He's the person who's influenced my life the most this year.
Q: How did he influence you specifically?
Before we started promoting in Japan, I spent just about every day with Teddy hyung. We weren't very busy at the time, so, after practice I would go straight to Teddy hyung's studio. I would watch him do his work and in his spare time we would talk about music. This is how 'Wedding Dress' and 'Where U At' were made. I even slept in the studio, in this little bed that Teddy hyung regularly uses. Now that I think about it, I was probably disturbing him quite a lot. Sorry. (laughs)
Q: The Taeyang in ‘Only Look at Me’ was a bad boy, and in ‘Wedding Dress’ a pure one. What’s the real Taeyang like?
Wedding Dress’ is more like the real me. I’ve loved before, but it’s always ended as one-sided love.
Q: Do you want to date?
Yes. President Yang keeps telling me to please get a girlfriend now too. But although I get lonely when I’m not working, I don’t think about it much when I’m really busy.
Q: Don’t you get lonely when you’re busy? It must be stressing.
When I get stressed, I just sleep. I’m the type of person who’s always thinking so I just sleep when I’m stressed, otherwise I tend to over-think everything. Alternatively, I listen to music or spend time with my dog. I get a lot less lonely when I’m with my dog.
Q: How important is Boss to Taeyang?
Very important. He’s not just a pet dog. At the moment, I can’t meet people and exchange love and friendship so Boss tends to fill up those holes in my heart. I can love him no matter what and he will always look only at me. If I didn’t have Boss, I think my personality would have become really cold and harsh.
Q: You seem to have put a lot of effort into your choreography. What is dancing to TaeYang?
I dance because I like music. To me, music and dancing are one. Neither one of them is more or less important. Whenever I do a pre-recorded performance, I ask my fans to please be quiet. It seems selfish and I’m sorry to my fans, but I just love singing and dancing to my music on stage and I want to concentrate on that moment. There was this time when we did a surprise broadcast of ‘Where U At’ and during the pre-recorded filming, my fans didn’t make a sound. It made me wonder if they were even breathing. I was so thankful that they understood me, but also very sorry.
Q: Your first solo album ‘Hot’ did so well. Does this pressure you at all? What did you earn from your last solo activities?
I didn’t feel pressured because of ‘Hot’, but because this new album will be a full one, I kept thinking that I have to show my style as well as make music that fits the time we’re in. I like classical music, but I’m young so I can’t just ignore the current trends.
When I’m working as a solo artist, I feel so much more accomplishment and satisfaction. Since Big Bang is a group, working together with the other members always comes first.
Q: What if the type of music you want to do clashes with the type of music that’s popular with the people?
What I want to do usually comes first. (laughs) President Yang is always generous about that kind of thing because he knows that I do the best when I’m doing what I want to. But that doesn’t mean I want to be stubborn in my musicianship. My dream is to make music that everyone can listen to and love. It’s very hard, though.
Q: What you want from yourself?
Well, my name’s Taeyang [sun] so I always want to be overflowing with energy. I want people to be moved and comforted when listening to my music and I also want to become more passionate.
Q: To your fans that have waited for you, and will continue to wait?
I’m sorry that I don’t have a really talkative personality and that I’m not performing on stage much. But I will return your love by making great music worth the wait. Oh, and be careful not to catch swine flu.
[Translated by sjay.x @ BBVIP.net]
Hankook Daily Interview: Dec. 3, 2009
Is he part black by any chance?
A Big Bang member TaeYang's solo performances often make you wonder if he has black genes. Every time I see his bulging arm muscles cut through the air, I think I can almost hear the whoosh sound. The way he quickly adjusts his baseball cap he always seems to wear at a certain angle and the disciplined manner in which he executes his powerful performances with an indifferent face - all of those stuff I think only a black person can pull off.
His recent single Wedding Dress only deepened my suspicion about his genetic makeup. I cannot help but think that he made one step up from his solo EP “Hot” released last year. With this single, he took the first step as a composer by co-composing it with YG Entertainment’s lead producer Teddy.
TaeYang says, "It helped me express the true colors of my music. I learned a lot from Teddy. As soon as I heard the song, I thought, ‘This is going to be huge!’ I loved it! I added the melody lines and felt extremely happy with the outcome.”
The most noticeable change in him is the ease and confidence he displays on stage. Atypical of a man of blood type B, he used to become extremely nervous before he went out on stage. He fretted over the fact that he could have done better on stage, which bothered him enormously. However, he has changed now. He now knows how to enjoy being on stage and be at ease, which seems to add his onstage presence.
TaeYang says, "I feel like I’ve been upgraded, if you will. I have more confidence as well as more style. While Where U At focuses more on being grand, I put more emphasis on the lyrical aspect with Wedding Dress. With both performances, I focus on conveying intensity."
While talking about the preparations he went through for his comeback performances, he also talked about his friendship with his bandmate G-Dragon. They have been best friends since they signed with YG Entertainment 9 years ago. Being the two musical pillars of Big Bang, they offer advice for each other on their respective solo activities. They are musical collaborators as well as pillars of strength to each other.
TaeYang says, "I guess I focus too much on singing and dancing and my face gets all serious when I’m on stage. JiYong (G-Dragon) keeps telling me, ‘Please smile!’ (laughs). When he does his solo activities, I monitor his performances and visit him in his dressing room to show support."
TaeYang plans to release his first full-length album early next year. Recently, his sole interest lies in the album. He says he wants to make "a quality album from beginning to end." And when he has more experiences under his belt, he says he wishes to fill an entire album with songs based on his life story. He says, "Wedding Dress is about a one sided love but by the time I release an album like that I could write a song based on my romantic experiences (laughs)."
His musical ambition does not end there. Being a young man full of dreams, TaeYang's ultimate goal in his musical career is being an internationally renowned artist. Topping the Billboard charts is not what he has in mind, though. His ambition is something more high minded: he wants to touch people's hearts all over the world through his music, an international language.
TaeYang says, "People seem to be losing their compassion. I would like to make music that comforts and inspires people and play my music for audiences all over the world. It doesn’t matter if it is a culturally deprived place and does not have any fancy place to perform. I just want to let the people hear my music."
[(c) Internet Hankook Daily; Kim SungHan@sportshankook.co.kr]
[Translated by pgeorgie]
Source: Basking in The Sun - 1 & 2
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