
SHINee's Key reflects on his worst stage mistakes. At the latest "Sang Sang Plus" recording, SNSD and SHINee members were featured.
Key's first mistake comes in the second performance of "Noona Is So Pretty (Replay)." None of the members were quite used to performing in music shows yet, so they were still nervous and were very concentrated on each move.
As part of the choreography, Key had to hold Taemin's mic for a while. After Taemin's dance solo Key tried to give the mic back to him but was off timing. Key eventually had to hold two mics until the song ended. Taemin still managed to finish the performance pretending to hold a mic until the end of the performance.
Video Credits:ssuhuii
The second mistake happened a year ago, during a goodbye stage. When the last song started, fancy firecrackers popped on stage and Key, who was in the front to get ready to sing his part, accidentally inhaled gas.
In order to perform the song he put on a bright face and tried to sing, albeit being unable to breathe. His singing made him sound like he was crying and many fans thought he was holding in his tears because it was his last performance.
Relevant part starts at 1:28.
Video Credits:doubleAnumbertwo
This broadcast will air on December 8th at 11:05 PM.
source: newsen | translations by [info]filmsession @ [info]omona_prection
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