Hi everyone!! I’m Mir!!!!! Haven’t seen [you guys] in 203945 thousands of years!!!!
Couldn’t leave messages these days, [I will] write everything now……ke………
Everyone is doing okay …. TT TT TT?
[We] didn’t come out much recently, feels awful..TT TT TT
Grandma called and asked “you went back without even coming out? (meaning minimal on-screen time) how come [you] dont have any popularity?” When [I] heard these words…my chest really hurts…TT TT TT TT
The stage is different!!!! it is different!!!!
we…aren’t really playing~~ +_+!!!
Couldn’t leave messages these days, [I will] write everything now……ke………
Everyone is doing okay …. TT TT TT?
[We] didn’t come out much recently, feels awful..TT TT TT
Grandma called and asked “you went back without even coming out? (meaning minimal on-screen time) how come [you] dont have any popularity?” When [I] heard these words…my chest really hurts…TT TT TT TT
The stage is different!!!! it is different!!!!
we…aren’t really playing~~ +_+!!!
Everyone knows already, we went to Japan and came back!!!!! Congratulation!!!!!!! The first day a lot of fans came to the airport, very very moved!!! Happily went on the airplane~chu chu. When arriving in Japan, a lot of fans also came to greet us…..?……If that surprising look got captured…..would become the best of predators, no?…ahahhahahahhaha!!! So we just finished our activities in Japan!!!! Came back!!!! But at the airport, a lot of fans that came weren’t following order….TT TT TT TT some girl in front fell…
I extended my hand trying to help her up, but I fell too, couldn’t help…sleep.gif;; I end up hurting her….aha,, TT TT TT TT very sorry, TT wuuu,, TT TT TT I fell, but I’m okay, those that fell go to the hospital for check up now~ I’m very strong!!! ahahahhahahahah!!!!!
I extended my hand trying to help her up, but I fell too, couldn’t help…sleep.gif;; I end up hurting her….aha,, TT TT TT TT very sorry, TT wuuu,, TT TT TT I fell, but I’m okay, those that fell go to the hospital for check up now~ I’m very strong!!! ahahahhahahahah!!!!!
Now [we] only have Korea’s activities, should go on the stage more….TT TT TT Have a lot of fun on stage!!!!! right!!!!??? Didn’t forget us right!!!???? So now [we'll] start the activities for the second track~please give us a lot of love and support!!!!! Even when [our] body become ashes, [we'll] still work hard!!!!! For real!!!!!!!
But haven’t left a message in so long, it feels really nice TT TT TT TT TT ah, TT TT TT TT really have a lot to say, but cant remember!!!!!!!! er!!!!!!! Anyway!!!!!!! The weather got colder lately, TT TT TT doesn’t matter when,~often~[you] have to keep yourself warm!!!! Be ware of getting sick!!!! be ware of H1n1!!!!!!!! don’t give me presents like cookies, please give me warm drinks~!!!!!!!!! But that’s just fantasy!!!! byebye~+_+!!!!!!!!!!! PS: funny face
translated by 0oyokisuo0@soompi
It’s G.O., hehe
We will be promoting G.O.O.D. Luv from now on!!!
Even though it’s not easy trying to make cute expressions with a beard
I’m going to try my best and show the facial expression of a 7-year-old child.
You won’t regret looking forward to it, keke
CREDITS: jj.kimbap@mblaqattack.com ; yellowhahahabooyah@mblaqpower.ipbfree
We will be promoting G.O.O.D. Luv from now on!!!
Even though it’s not easy trying to make cute expressions with a beard
I’m going to try my best and show the facial expression of a 7-year-old child.
You won’t regret looking forward to it, keke
CREDITS: jj.kimbap@mblaqattack.com ; yellowhahahabooyah@mblaqpower.ipbfree
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