banner: Today is Leadja's 100th Day of Absence
이거 이분들이 쉬는시간에일어나서
찍어주시고 많이 퍼트려주세요!! 박재범 잊지말아주세요!!!!!!!!!!!
라고 외치셔서
기자들 엄청찍어가고
거기 모든 팬들 관계자가 환호성질러주고 멋있다고 소리지르고 장난아니였음
아 저 전광판은
LED 전광판으로 제작하신거랫어요 ㅋ궁금해서 가서 사진도찍고 물어봣다는ㅋㅋ
진짜 멋있엇다는 불다꺼져도
완전 반대엿는대도 다보엿어요 ㅠㅠ
플랜카드도 완전크고 멋있엇어요 ㅠ
리드자 부재중 오늘이 100일째 ㅠㅠ역시핫티에요
In English:
These people stood up during intermission and shouted, “Please take pictures of this and spread it!! Please do not forget Park Jaebum!!!!!!” which caused many reporters to take pictures of it and all the fans there to cheer out in support and say how admirable they were, it was no joke.
Hotties are really amazing.
Oh, that board,
They said it was an LED board they made. I went and took and a picture and asked them cuz I was curious keke
It was really cool even when the lights were all turned off
Even though I was on the opposite side, I could totally see it
The banner was also really big and awesome.
Today is Leadja’s 100th day of absence. ㅠㅠ Without a doubt, they are Hottests.
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