지난 14일 방송된 MBC '유재석 김원희의 놀러와'(이하 놀러와)는 '박진영의 친구들' 특집으로 꾸며졌으며, god 데니안 손호영 2AM 조권 작곡가 김형석 배우 이정진 등이 박진영의 절친으로 출연했다.
특히 이날 방송에서 조권은 박진영과 예능 프로그램에 첫 동반 출연하며 눈길을 끌었다. 소속 가수에게 엄격하기로 유명한 박진영인 만큼 조권은 유독 긴장한 기색이 역력했으나 넉살만큼은 여전했다.
조권은 "'박진영 댄스 따라잡기'를 준비했다"며 "오늘은 골반 털기와 표정을 허락받았다"라고 말해 출연진들을 폭소케 했다. 조권은 깨방정 댄스 덕분에 예능 기대주로 떠올랐으나 박진영의 입장에서는 발라드 가수 이미지에 타격을 입을까 염려되는 상황.
이날 방송에서 박진영은 "데뷔 초에 모 예능 프로그램에서 춤을 추는데 너무 웃겨서 깜짝 놀랐다"며 "발라드 해야 되는데 누가 슬프겠냐며 혼을 냈는데 여러번 전화를 하다가 나중엔 '쟤는 안 되겠구나'라는 생각에 포기를 해버렸다"라고 털어놨다.
이어 그는 "회사를 차린 지 12년 역사상 처음으로 '네 뜻대로 해라'며 놓은 가수다"라고 덧붙여 웃음을 자아냈다.
이에 조권은 박진영의 히트곡 '그녀는 예뻤다'와 '허니(Honey)'에 맞춰 깨방정 댄스를 선보였고 박진영은 "훨씬 더 최악의 상황을 예상했었는데 다행이다"며 안도의 한숨을 내쉬었다.
한편 2년만에 프로듀서가 아닌 가수로 컴백한 박진영은 최근 새 앨범 '새드 프리덤'(Sad Freedom)을 발표하고 음악 및 예능 프로그램을 종횡무진하며 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다.
황인혜 기자 dlsp@tvreport.co.kr
In English:
[TV Reporter Hwang Inhae] Singer/ Producer Park Jinyoung Has Given 2AM Jo Kwon his permission to act "frivolous" or "mood-breaking".
Broadcasted this past 14th on MBC "Yoo Jaesuk Kim Wonhee's Come to Play" with the theme of 'Park Jinyoung and Friends', GOD's Danny Ahn & Sohn Hoyoung, 2AM Jo Kwon, Composer Kim Hyung Suk, and Actor Lee Jungjin were all present as one of Park Jinyoung's closest friends.
This episode, especially, was Jo Kwon and Park Jinyoung first appearance on a variety show together, reeling in a lot of attention and spectators. Known to be a strict and disciplinary towards his singers, Park Jinyoung's presence had made certain that Jo Kwon felt a strong tension between them when his face had bloomed into a poisonous expression.
Jo Kwon had revealed that he had a "Copy Park Jinyoung's Dance" routine ready and that "I got permission to do my pelvic-shaking and face expression today", causing a huge laugh riot among the guests.
On this day's episode, Park Jinyoung had also revealed that "On one of the first variety shows he's(Kwon) ever guested right after his debut, he danced so hilariously that I got really surprised. I even lectured him a few times telling him 'You're supposed to be doing ballads, but who's going to feel emotional/sad when you're acting like this?' But after a few talks and calls with him, I thought 'Okay, he's impossible to change' and I gave up on him(and his dancing)."
Because of that, he had also stated that Jo Kwon was the first singer, in the 12 whole years(since JYP was founded), that he had ever debuted with the thought of "Do it your own way, not JYPE way", drawing out much laughter for himself and the guests.
Accordingly, Jo Kwon had demonstrated his frivolous dance as he shook his body to one of Park Jinyoung's hit songs "Honey"; Park Jinyoung had stated that "I was expecting something more outrageous, but this is more fortunate" sighing out with sarcastic frustration.
irrelevant information omitted
SOURCE: DAUM 황인혜 기자 ; TRANS: mrs.jangwooyoung@2oneday.com
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