The 4 main leads of SBS drama ‘Will It Snow On Christmas’ attended a press conference on the 21st.
During the press conference, a reporter asked Go Soo ‘Did you know that SNSD’s Soo Youngpicked you as her ideal type?’. To which Go Soo got a big shock and replied that this is the first time he has heard of it.
Go Soo: ‘I know about SNSD and I know who’s who when I see them. I’m grateful to Soo Young for saying that’
When asked if his ideal type is any of the girls in SNSD, Go Soo got stumped. ‘It will seem fake if I say that Soo Young is my ideal type too. It’s hard to answer this question.’
When he got to know that Soo Young is going to prepare a present for him, Go Soo added that he will be waiting for it.
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