Original message:
카리쓰마! 포스 좔좔! 파워풀한 댄스! 그리고 너무너무 믿음직스러운 동생들이지만ㅋ나에겐 너무나도 귀엽고 사랑스러운 아이들이다!^.^ 막내라인 홧팅!!! 굿밤~!In English:
Charisma! Force! Powerful dance! And they really really understand their position even though they are youngerㅋ To me, they are cute children and should be loved as such!^.^ Maknaes, fighting!!! Good night~!
Original message:
그리고 그 다음날 그걸본 채뤼니는 또 자기 사진으로 바꿔놓고 그다음날은 또 밍끼..또 채뤼니.. 밍끼.. 이런식으로 내 배경화면 차지하엿다!ㅋ귀여운 동생들의 행동을 보는게 너무 재밌엇다ㅋ결국 마무리는 내 사진으로 하는걸로 끝이낫다!ㅋIn English:
And when CL saw it the next day, she substituted it with her own photo, then the next day Minji changed it again..and again CL.. Minji.. The background screen was occupied with this!ㅋ I saw what the cute younger girls were up toㅋ Finally, they stopped and it was over!ㅋ
Original message:
플똥고팀과의 귀여운 추억! 연습생시절~ 내가 새핸드폰으로 바꾼어느날.. 배경화면이 없던 내폰을보고채뤼니가ㅋ귀엽게사진을 찍어서 배경화면으로 해놔따! 다음날 그것을 발견한 밍끼!!ㅋㅋ내폰을 가져가더니 자기 사진으로 배경화면을 바꿔논것이다!ㅋ
In English:
Reminiscing about the cute ‘Please Don’t Go’ team! Practice time~ Some day I changed to a new cell phone.. I didn’thave a picture of CL as the backgroundㅋ Take the cute picture, pick it and then add the background screen! Minji discovered it the next day!!ㅋㅋ She took my phone and changed the background screen with her own photograph!ㅋ
Credits: aa-chan
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