Original message:
반지 귀엽죠?ㅋ야자수 머리한 못난이인형!ㅋ이 서랍장을 열면저의 여러가지 물건들이있지요! 봄이가 준 비타민의결정체두있구~ 퉤니들같이찍은 사진들두있구~ 내 보물창고에요^^ 저 숙소들어왔는데 드라마봐야되요!ㅋ뿅!^.^In English:
The ring’s cute, right?ㅋ One person coconut tree head doll!ㅋ If I open these drawers there are secret things inside! Bom has two different vitamins in there~ There are pictures of 2NE’s we took~ My treasure trove^^ Although we just came home, we’re seeing some dramaㅋ Bbyong!^.^
Credits: aa-chan
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